全世界上,有一種美好的通用語言,那就是愛情!下面是小編為大家整理的關(guān)于英語的經(jīng)典語錄愛情句子大全,希望大家喜歡 1、我愛你,所以卑微到塵埃里,然后開出花來。 I love you, so humble to the dust, and then bloom. 2、只有在愛情里面,女人才活得真正像個女人。 Only in love can a woman live like a woman. 3、破碎帶來快樂,可以不再絕望。 Broken brings happiness, can no longer despair. 4、以為沒有你,我可以堅強一個人,終於知道我不行。 I thought I could be strong without you, and finally I knew I couldn't. 5、只對你一人撒嬌,做你一個人的女孩。 Only act coquettish to you and be your girl. 6、愛你是不會說的,但是全放在心里。 Love you will not say, but all in the heart. 7、世界是個巨大的娃娃機,我隔著玻璃只想要你。 The world is a huge doll machine. I just want you through the glass. 8、我要好好的,好好的吃飯,好好的游戲,直到忘記你。 I want to have a good meal and a good game until I forget you. 9、愉悅其實真的狠簡單,有你有事做,有所期盼。 Pleasure is really cruel and simple. You have something to do and expect. 10、這一生你只能遇到我一次,勸你三思。 You can only meet me once in your life. Please think twice. 11、你的前半生沒有我,那么就讓我陪你走完后半生。 You did not have me in the first half of your life, so let me accompany you for the rest of your life. 12、任無常逐一升起和熄滅,我對你赤子之心永存。 Let the impermanence rise and go out one by one, and my heart for you will last forever. 13、感覺你的名字有棱有角,剛好鑲進我心臟大小。 Feel your name is angular, just inserted into the size of my heart. 14、我愿用我一生傾盡全力去呵護你,保你一生周全。 I would like to use my whole life to care for you, to protect your whole life. 15、我分不清東南西北,卻依然固執(zhí)的喜歡亂走。 I can't distinguish between the southeast and northwest, but still stubborn like to walk around. |
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