首頁 > 說說感言 > 影視臺詞 > 影視臺詞 黑暗中的舞者經(jīng)典臺詞 影視臺詞2021-04-11155舉報/反饋 黑暗中的舞者經(jīng)典臺詞 1、i've seen it all, i have seen the trees, 我看見它的全部,我看見了樹, 2、i've seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze 我看見楊柳葉子再微風(fēng)中跳舞 3、i've seen a friend killed by a friend, 我看見了朋友殺死朋友, 4、and lives that were over before they were spent. 結(jié)束這種生活吧,在他們失靈之前。 5、i've seen what i was - i know what i'll be 我知道自己是什么-也知道自己會變成什么 6、i've seen it all - there is no more to see! 我看見一切,別人卻視而不見! 7、you haven't seen elephants, kings or peru! 你看不見大象、國王,也看不到秘魯什么樣! 8、i'm happy to say i had better to do 我做自己覺得開心的事 9、what about china? have you seen the great wall? 中國怎么樣? 您看見長城了嗎? 10、all walls are great, if the roof doesn't fall! 多么壯觀啊,當(dāng)然前提是他不倒下! 11、and the man you will marry? 你決定和他結(jié)婚了嗎? 12、the home you will share? 共組家庭? 13、to be honest, i really don't care… 老實講,我根本不在乎… 14、you've never been to niagara falls? 你從沒過尼亞加拉大瀑布吧? 15、i have seen water, its water, that's all… 我只能看見水,它的水,全部都是… 16、the eiffel tower, the empire state? 埃佛爾鐵塔,帝國狀態(tài)? 17、my pulse was as high on my very first date! 我的脈搏為出發(fā)的日子而興奮! 18、your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair? 他的孫子也就是我的手在發(fā)間劃過? 19、to be honest, i really don't care… 老實講,我根本不在乎… 20、i've seen it all, i've seen the dark 我看見了它的全部,我看見了黑暗 21、i've seen the brightness in one little spark. 我見到了剎那火花的亮光。 22、i've seen what i chose and i've seen what i need, 我清楚自己選擇了什么,我清楚自己需要的什么, 23、and that is enough, to want more would be greed. 足夠了,別太貪心。 24、i've seen what i was and i know what i'll be 我知道自己是什么-也知道自己會變成什么 25、i've seen it all - there is no more to see! 我看見一切,別人卻不視而不見! 26、you've seen it all and all you have seen 你與他融在其中 27、you can always review on your own little screen 偶爾回顧記憶中的畫面 28、the light and the dark, the big and the small 光與暗,大與小 29、just keep in mind - you need no more at all 記住-沒有人能得到全部 30、you've seen what you were and know what you'll be 你清楚自己選擇了什么,你清楚自己需要的什么, 31、you've seen it all - there is no more to see! 你看見一切,別人卻視而不見! 踩一下 () 頂一下 打賞 版權(quán)聲明:本文轉(zhuǎn)載自網(wǎng)絡(luò),不代表本平臺立場,僅供讀者參考,著作權(quán)屬歸原創(chuàng)者所有。我們分享此文出于傳播更多資訊之目的。如有侵權(quán),請聯(lián)系我們進行刪除,謝謝! 分享: 掃描分享到社交APP 上一篇 一些經(jīng)典的名人名言不單單只是文字,還能夠激發(fā)人的上進心。下面是小編為大家整理的激發(fā)人上進的名人名言精選,希望大 下一篇 不斷的學(xué)習(xí)新的知識是人進步的最快捷徑,那么對此名人又有何看法呢?下面是小編為大家整理的關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)知識名人名言精選 相關(guān)文章 無間道經(jīng)典對白 半妖傾城經(jīng)典臺詞 描寫秋風(fēng)落葉的句子,天氣漸漸轉(zhuǎn)涼的說說 新三國經(jīng)典對白 生活中,輕易得到的不會長久 功夫熊貓臺詞 奇葩一家親經(jīng)典臺詞 似水年華經(jīng)典對白(精選39句) 秦時明月動畫片大電影之龍騰萬里經(jīng)典對白(精選21句) 影片《小王子電影》經(jīng)典對白 這個殺手不太冷經(jīng)典臺詞 電影《羅曼蒂克消亡史》經(jīng)典臺詞 航海王小伙伴經(jīng)典臺詞 贊美母親的句子,感謝媽媽的句子,送給母親的話 王力宏經(jīng)典歌詞 勵志電影臺詞