1、一個人的世界總需要另一個人做陪襯。他離開了,那是他襯不起你,相信自己會有更好的明天! 2、也許你安心深處我需要的不是飛翔,也許,我只是需要一個擁抱,以便讓我知道自己并不孤單。 3、今生我為你許下一個愿,想和你下輩子能繼緣,今生你為誰許一個愿,想和誰下一輩子再相見。 4、他們說愛上你是我一生的錯,可是愛上你以前我又做對了什么?愛過方知情深,傷過方知情痛! 5、他沒有錯,只是沒有愛我很久,只是沒有為我停留,只是愛的不是時候,只是沒有陪我到最后。 6、如果愛上,就不要輕易放過機(jī)會,莽撞,可能使你后悔一陣子,怯懦,卻可能使你后悔一輩子。 7、歲月的風(fēng)塵夾雜著寒霜,也會將希望凋零。就象深秋即將來臨,寒風(fēng)橫掃落葉,繁華瞬間落寞。 8、我也不想掉死在你這棵樹下,因為會給你帶來顧慮,可我自己也無可奈何,喜歡一個人有錯嗎? 9、我總是以為自己是會對流失的時間和往事習(xí)慣的。不管在哪里,碰到誰。以什么樣的方式結(jié)束。 10、我想有一個人明白我,即使我什么不可否認(rèn)我們的路一直很艱辛,但最終,愛讓一切變得簡單。 11、我無權(quán)挽留什么,也不會奢望得到什么,因為我會一直走,一直走,一直走到痛的呼吸都沒有。 12、有一種緣分叫鐘情,有一種感覺叫曾經(jīng)擁有,有一種結(jié)局叫命中注定,有一種心痛叫綿綿無期。 13、有些東西消失了在也找不到了,但它卻變成了一根針,扎在心頭揮之不去,想讓你痛你就得痛。 14、有些緣分來的讓人有些措手不及,這樣的遇見讓人有些無奈,只嘆一句,好久不見,一切安好。 15、愛,是一件復(fù)雜而又簡單的事情。當(dāng)我們愛一個人,投注了太多的熱情,而最終燃燒的是自己。 16、離開之后,我想你不要忘記一件事:不要忘記想念我。想念我的時候,不要忘記我也在想念你。 17、穿越在這座城市的大街小巷,靠著冰冷的鋼筋水泥想入非非,最終被時間遺忘在貧窮的歧視里。 18、讓我們心理上受苦的,不是事情本身,而是我們對事情的想法和圍繞著這個事情所編造的故事。 19、誰的青春沒有淺淺的淤青,誰的傷心能不留胎記,誰的一見鐘情不刻骨銘心,誰能任性不認(rèn)命。 20、一切惡法,本是虛妄的,你不要太自卑你自己。一切善法,也是虛妄的,你也不要太狂妄你自己。 21、一句還好嗎?你是想我怎么回答,難道我要矯情的朝你哭喊說沒你我不快樂嗎?算了吧,我還好。 22、兩個人之間的感情就像織毛衣,建立的時候一針一線,小心而漫長,拆除的時候卻只需輕輕一拉。 23、人在最悲痛,最恐慌的時候,并沒有眼淚,眼淚永遠(yuǎn)都是流在故事的結(jié)尾,流在一切結(jié)束的時候! 24、人跟人之間的感情就像織毛衣,建立的時候一針一線,小心而漫長,拆除的時候卻只需輕輕一拉。 25、他用十年扮演一個過客,她用余生回憶一場錯過,她還在原地等你,你卻已經(jīng)忘記曾經(jīng)來過這里。 26、傷口是別人給與的恥辱,自己堅持的幻覺。像我這樣的人,總是以一個難題的形式出現(xiàn)在感情里。 27、你當(dāng)我是個風(fēng)箏,要不把我放了,要不然收好帶回家,別用一條看不見的情思拴著我,讓我心傷。 28、你滿身是刺的時候我擁抱你,我磨平你所有的棱角,可后來我卻只能看著別人抱著接近完美的你。 29、分手后不能做朋友因為彼此傷害過;不能做敵人因為彼此相愛過;不能做戀人,因為彼此欺騙過。 30、發(fā)現(xiàn)你真的好厲害,可以沉得住氣那么久不聯(lián)系我。也許,你根本就不用忍,一切都是自然而然。 31、告訴我,我要穿著什么顏色的衣服,站在哪個位置,做著什么樣的動作,你才會第一眼就看到我。 32、如果我從沒遇見你,如果我從沒愛上你,如果我一開始沒堅信,也許我就不會是現(xiàn)在的這個自己。 33、如果我們都是孩子,就可以留在時光的原地,坐在一起一邊聽那些永不老去的故事一邊慢慢皓首。 34、當(dāng)所有的拐杖都遠(yuǎn)離時,所能憑恃的,依然只有自己的。行路,人間的拐杖,終究是要干山獨行。 35、忘記一個人,并非不再想起,而是偶爾想起,心中卻不再有波瀾。真正的忘記,是不需要努力的。 36、想要說些什么,卻無從說起,想要說聲愛你卻被風(fēng)吹散。如果大海能換回曾經(jīng)的愛我用一生等待。 37、我以為只要我努力就可以讓你愛我,我以為只要我愛著你你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)我的好,但這些都是我以為。 38、我希望我用我自己的腳步去走我自己的人生。不管這條道路是泥濘還是平地,這是我自己的選擇。 39、我是一個愛說謊的人,直到你離開了,我哭了,我才知道,我說的最大的謊話,就是我已放下他。 40、我的心找到你的心時,早就被你的虛偽趕走了。你的心在流浪,我的心卻在等待你流浪的心歸來。 41、我知道,忘記是件輕松的事情,只要不看著,不想著,不記著,就忘記了,就像煙火過后的天空。 42、我站在人群里,傷心的感覺如同滅頂,我的眼淚大顆大顆地滴下來,滴在他們牽手走過的紅毯上。 43、我,不是不難過,只是你無心琢磨。悲傷的戀曲,該如何溫柔淺唱它?那些所謂的情,我會記得! 44、拖著長長的影子,在寧靜的古道中漫步,心中翻滾著萬千的愁緒,為連日的挫折、不順而憂傷著。 45、曾經(jīng)說好的永遠(yuǎn),曾經(jīng)說好的不放手,曾經(jīng)說好的要一起走下去,曾經(jīng)的一切,原來都只是曾經(jīng)。 46、最難過的莫過于當(dāng)你遇上一個特別的人,卻明白永遠(yuǎn)不可能在一起,或遲或早,你都不得不放手。 47、有些人從沒想過要在一起,卻自然而然地在一起;有些人明明很努力了,卻還是什么都改變不了。 48、有些人永遠(yuǎn)都不會知道,他的一句話,我會記得很久;他的一個不以為然的承諾,我卻苦苦守侯。 49、愛一個人,明明知道他的不好,卻絲毫不會在意;明明知道比他好的還有很多,卻只會傾心于他。 50、獻(xiàn)上依依惜別的祝愿,愿福樂時刻與你相伴。分離只熔得友情更濃,重聚首將在那更燦爛的明天! 51、痛徹心扉的愛情是真的,只有幸福是假的。那曾經(jīng)以為的花好月圓。愛情只是宿命擺下的一個局。 52、秋雨霏霏,讓樹葉瑟瑟發(fā)抖,那曾經(jīng)給我們帶來收獲的樹木,在風(fēng)雨的摧殘下,留下孤獨的樹枝。 53、那些屬于我們的回憶正在緩步凋零,那個刻著我們彼此姓名的夏季逐漸綻開,暈染了淺色的天際。 54、雨,依舊下著;我,依舊想你。直到世間不再落雨的那一天,我便停止了愛你如雨般深深的思念。 55、靜靜消失在人海里面,不讓誰看見!想念是會呼吸的痛,瞬間蒸發(fā),就讓不可能的是也隨至分散! 56、黑夜讓孤獨變得深邃,孤獨在黑夜升華,綻放演繹著黑色的美麗沒有星星的夜里、我還是我自己。 57、一個人走、一個人睡、一個人忙、一個人累、一個人思索、一個人沉醉、一個人煩躁、一個人體會。 58、不喊痛,不一定沒感覺。不要求,不一定沒期待。不落淚,不一定沒傷痕。不說話,不一定沒心聲。 59、不經(jīng)發(fā)覺,那些雨滴灑落在玻璃上,蕩起輕柔的漣漪,不敢觸碰,害怕它侵蝕自己千瘡百孔的身體。 60、你知道什么是孤獨嗎,就像你一語不發(fā)的離開,我在漫無邊際的回憶和冷風(fēng)里一邊恨你,一邊等你。 61、假如世界上只有我一個,我不會覺得孤單??珊薜氖?,世界有著千千萬萬個我,這又讓我不夠孤單。 62、假如你想要一件東西,就放它走。它若能回來找你,就永遠(yuǎn)屬于你;它若不回來,那根本不是你的。 63、再熟悉的號碼,也有空號的一天;再痛的記憶,也有淡忘的一天;再浪漫的劇情,也有落幕的一天。 64、夕陽西下,是我最想念的時候,對著你在的那個城市,說了一聲:我想你。不知道,你是否聽得到。 65、天空開始放晴,微風(fēng)劃過,如此輕柔,想每次你偷親我的臉頰一樣,我笑了,僅僅是因為想起了你。 66、失意了,傷心的淚水,如決堤的海,洶涌澎湃,憑你一雙嬌柔的雙手,又怎么能把所有的傷痕撫平? 67、如果我們不能在一起,那么說明我們沒有緣分。既然沒有緣分,那么不能在一起也沒什么好遺憾的。 68、如果沒有如果,時間是否會為我們停留?曾經(jīng)看過的夕陽,聽過的潮落,都被時間掩埋,幻成泡沫。 69、就這樣離開了。曾想過來昂好好的??墒菂s讓我?guī)е畲蟮倪z憾離開。我的心好痛好痛,你明白嗎? 70、我們?yōu)槭裁匆側(cè)プ汾s那些不愿意等自己的人,而錯過了一些明明可以走很快,卻愿意停下來的人。 71、我開始嘗試新的生活,試著穿不同以前風(fēng)格的服裝,試著喝不同口味的飲料,也試著做沒有你的夢。 72、愛情不傷人,傷人的是永遠(yuǎn)實現(xiàn)不了的海誓山盟;失去不可怕,可怕的是觸景而傷情,睹物而思人。 73、簡單安靜的生活其實不幸福,所以我只擁抱剎那,綿延持久的感覺根本不快樂,所以我只信仰瞬間。 74、紐扣第一顆就扣錯了可你扣到最后一顆才發(fā)現(xiàn),有些事一開始就是錯的可只有到最后才不得不承認(rèn)。 75、雖然我們說戀愛中的女人應(yīng)該自信,但一個女人真愛上了一個男人,她會害怕失去,會開始不自信。 76、誰與誰錯肩,誰和誰永遠(yuǎn)。誰在殘陽如血的時光中等待風(fēng)氣,誰在紀(jì)念夢幻的青春,紀(jì)念誰的唏噓。 77、風(fēng)華散盡,葬送傾顏!往事如煙,滾滾紅塵,彈指流沙間。花開花謝,春來冬去,卻未將思念帶走。 78、都說牛郎和織女是最痛苦的,一年只會一天。我說他們其實是最幸福的!有誰364天都被思念著呢。 79、20歲那年買得起10歲那年買不起的玩具,又有什么意義呢?人生就是這樣,錯過了就再也回不來了。 80、Maybe you feel at ease I need not fly, maybe, I just need a hug, so I know I'm not alone. 81、I am a liar, until you leave, I cry, I know, I said the biggest lie, is that I have put down his. 82、Sunset, when I miss the most, to the city you are in, say: I miss you. Don't know if you can hear. 83、I hope I use my own footsteps to go my own life. Whether this road is muddy or flat, this is my own choice. 84、You really good, can calm so long not contact me. Perhaps, you do not have to endure, everything is natural. 85、I, not sad, but you do not mind. The sad love song, how gentle sing it? Those so-called love, I will remember! 86、I always thought I was going to lose the time and past habits. No matter where, who meet. In what way is the end. 87、After leaving, I think you do not forget one thing: do not forget to miss me. Miss me, do not forget I also miss you. 88、The love is true, only happiness is false. It was thought that the perfect conjugal bliss. Love is just a set of fate. 89、Tell me, I want to wear what color of clothes, stand in which position, what kind of action, you will see my first sight. 90、Rain, still under the; I, still miss you. Until the day the world no longer rain, I will stop loving you deeply miss rain. 91、When all the staff are far away, can rely on, still only their own. On earth, the crutch is ultimately to the group alone. 92、Years of dust mixed with frost, also hope will wither. As autumn is coming, wind swept the leaves, bustling lonely moment. 93、Frustrated, sad tears, such as burst of sea, surging, by your hands, a pair of delicate, how can to heal the wounds of all? 94、If we can't be together, then we have no fate. Since there is no fate, then can not be together there is nothing to regret. 95、Fenghua cleared, ruined Qing yan! The past, red dust, sand in between. Flowers bloom, spring to winter, but not to take away. 96、I do not want to die in your tree, because it will give you a concern, but I also have no alternative, like a person is wrong? 97、The wound is a shame to others, the illusion of their own. People like me, always in the form of a problem in the feelings of. 98、All laws, this is false, you don't inferiority yourself. All the good method, but also false, don't be too proud of yourself. 99、If I never met you, if I never fell in love with you, if I did not believe in the beginning, maybe I will not be the right now. 100、If not if, the time will be for us to stay? Have seen the sunset, heard of the tide, are buried by time, fantasy into a bubble. 101、If only I had one in the world, I would not feel lonely. Hateful, my world has thousands on thousands of this let me not alone. 102、Once say good forever, once say good not to let go, once say good want to go down together, once all, originally all just once. 103、Simple quiet life is not happy, so I only embrace the moment, long lasting feeling is not happy, so I only believe in a moment. 104、When my heart finds your heart, it's been out of your hypocrisy. Your heart is wandering, my heart is waiting for your return. 105、They say that falling in love with you is my life's wrong, but in love with you before I do what? I know love, hurt right pain! 106、A: okay? Do you want me to answer, do I have to cry hypocritical towards you said I am not happy without you? Come on, I'm okay. 107、So left. Had wanted to come over ang good. But let me take the biggest regret to leave. My heart hurts so much, do you understand? 108、Some people never want to be together, but naturally together; some people obviously very hard, but still can not change anything. 109、Through in the streets of the city by cold steel and concrete dreams, eventually forgotten by the time in the poor discrimination. 110、Some things disappear in also can not find, but it turned into a needle, tie in the heart, want to let you pain you will have pain. 111、Love is a complicated and simple thing. When we love a person, betting too much enthusiasm, and ultimately the burning of their own. 112、The most sad thing is when you meet someone special, you know it's never gonna be together, sooner or later, you'll have to let go. 113、I know, forget is an easy thing, as long as you do not look, do not think, do not remember, forget, just like fireworks after the sky. 114、I stand in the crowd, sad feeling as Mieding, my tears big stars big stars to drop down, drop in their hand through the red carpet on. 115、If we are children, you can stay in the time of the place, sat together listening to stories that never grow old while slowly Haoshou. 116、Although we say that women in love should be confident, but a woman love a man, she will be afraid of losing, will start not confident. 117、I thought that as long as I can make you love me, I think that as long as I love you, you will find my good, but these are all I think. 118、If you want something, just let it go. If it comes back to you, it will always belong to you; if it does not come back, it is not your. 119、Do you know what it was like to be alone, as you wordlessly leave, I in the endless memories and cold side hate you, while waiting for you. 120、Quietly disappear in the crowd inside, do not let anyone see! Miss is a breath of pain, evaporation, so that it is not possible to disperse! 121、Those belong to our memories are slowly dying, that was engraved we name each other gradually during summer blooming, blooming the pale sky. 122、What makes us psychologically suffering is not the thing itself, but the way we think about things and the stories we make about the matter. 123、Not discovered, those raindrops splashing in the glass, gently Dangqi ripples, did not dare to touch, fear it is eroding their battered body. 124、I want to have a person to understand me, even though I can't deny that our road has been hard, but in the end, love makes everything simple. 125、He is not wrong, but did not love me for a long time, just did not stay for me, just love is not the time, but did not accompany me to the end. 126、Love a person, clearly know that he is not good, but did not care about; clearly know that there are a lot better than him, but will go to him. 127、Said the cowboy and the weaver girl is the most painful, only one day a year. I said they were the happiest! Who has been missing for 364 days. 128、Some of the fate of the people who are caught off guard, such a meeting to make some helpless, only sigh, long time no see, everything is well. 129、A person walking, a person to sleep, a busy, a person tired, a person thinking, a person intoxicated, a person irritable, a personal experience. 130、Dragging a long shadow, walking in the quiet road, rolling the heart thousands of melancholy, for days of frustration, and not suitable and sad. 131、I have no right to retain what, nor do I expect to get anything, because I will always go, always go, has been to the pain of breathing are not. 132、One of the world's total and another person to do foil. He left, that is, he can not afford to you, I believe they will have a better tomorrow! 133、The sky began to clear up, the breeze across, so gentle, want every time you steal to kiss my cheek as I laugh, just because the thought of you. 134、This life I will make a wish for you, and you will be able to next life, this life you for whom a wish, who want to meet again in the next life. 135、You when I was a kite, or to let me go, or else receive a good home, don't use a look see emotions and thoughts tied with me, let me heartache. 136、I start to try new life, try to wear different styles of clothes, try to drink different flavors of drinks, but also try to do without your dream. 137、Some people will never know, one of his words, I will remember for a long time; one of his disapproval of the commitment, I was struggling to wait. 138、If you fall in love, do not easily let go the opportunity, rash, may make you regret for a while, cowardice, but may make you regret for a lifetime. 139、The youth who have shallow bruises, whose sad can not leave birthmark, who fall in love at first sight not deep-rooted, who can not willful resigned. 140、Why do we always catch up with those who do not want to wait for their own people, and missed some obviously can go very fast, but would like to stop. 141、People in the most grief, the most panic time, and no tears, tears always flow at the end of the story, at the end of the flow at the end of the story! 142、Dark night to become deep lonely, lonely in the night of sublimation, the interpretation of the black beauty of the stars of the night, I am still myself. 143、year old can not afford to buy 10 years old that year, can not afford to buy toys, and what is the meaning? Life is like this, missed will never come back. 144、A more familiar with the number and spacing of the day; and then pain and memory, also have forgotten one day; then the romantic plot, but also ended a day. 145、You covered with thorns when I hold you in my arms, I polished you all the edges and corners, later, I was only looking at others hold you close to perfect. 146、Who is with whom the wrong shoulder, who and who forever. Who is at the summit of the time waiting for the atmosphere, who at the memorial youth Memorial, who. 147、Love does not hurt, hurt is a solemn pledge of eternal love can never be realized; lose is not terrible, terrible is touch scene injury, emotional and thinking. 148、The relationship between two people is like knitting a sweater, established when the stitch, be careful and lengthy, removed when they only need to gently pull. 149、There is a kind of love, there is a feeling called once owned, there is a kind of ending is called fate, there is a kind of heartache called continuous no period. 150、Forget a person, is not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, but there is no longer in the heart of the waves. Really forget, do not need to work hard. 151、He spent ten years as a passenger, she spent the rest of his life to remember a miss, she is still waiting for you, but you have forgotten that you have come here. 152、Button the first button on the wrong button can you buckle to the last one to find that some things are wrong at the beginning can only be the last to have to admit. 153、What do you want to say, but from the start, I want to say I love you but the wind blows away. If the sea can be had in exchange for the love of my life waiting for. 154、After breaking up can not be friends because they hurt each other; can not do the enemy because they love each other, can not be lovers, because each other to deceive. 155、People with the relationship between people is like knitting a sweater, established when the stitch, be careful and lengthy, removed when they only need to gently pull. 156、Rain fallings thick and fast, so that leaves shivering, it has given us to bring in the harvest of trees, under the ravages of wind and rain, leaving the lonely branches. 157、Don't shout pain, not necessarily no feeling. Does not require, do not have to look forward to. Do not shed tears, not necessarily no scars. Don't talk, don't have no voice. 158、With the blessing of distressed at parting wishes, may the moment with you. Separation only melting may friendship thicker, the first will be reunited in the more brilliant tomorrow! |
- 心疼心情失落的說說,傷感悲涼,句句心碎!
- 令人心痛的傷感句子,聽聞愛情,十人九悲!
- 深夜傷心落淚的喪文字,撕心裂肺,痛到骨子里!
- 讓人淚流滿面的一段話,傷感入體,痛徹心扉!
- 唯美傷感有詩意的句子
- 觸動心靈的21條唯美傷感句子,句句戳心窩,還沒看完已淚流滿面!
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- 精選名人傷感語錄
- 傷感短語說說
- 失落心情孤單失落的句子,句句痛心!
- 心情低落無奈的一句話,簡短虐心,觸碰淚點!
- 表達(dá)自己內(nèi)心壓抑的句子,讓人忍不住落淚!
- 最無奈心酸的句子,看完只想哭一場!
- 精選初中畢業(yè)傷感語錄
- 表達(dá)心情失落的句子,入心刻骨,令人動容!
- 說說傷感長句子85句