1、打完這句話,我準(zhǔn)備離開你了。 After these words, I'm leaving you. 2、故事到最后,還是失去的比較多。 The story to the end, or lost more. 3、我懷舊,因?yàn)槲铱床坏侥愫臀磥怼?/p> I nostalgia, because I can not see you and the future. 4、把你放在心底,用回憶把你埋葬。 Put you in the bottom of my heart, bury you with memories. 5、永遠(yuǎn)不是一種距離,而是一種決定。 Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 6、我們唯一的關(guān)系,是沒有關(guān)系。 Our only relationship is no relationship. 7、我哭得再狼狽都不及她微微皺眉。 I cried and then panic is inferior to her frown slightly. 8、圣誕節(jié)、被寒流侵蝕旳一天。 Christmas, the day is cold erosion. 9、如其哭著挽留不如笑著放手。 They cry to smile than let go. 10、那句家太遠(yuǎn)了,拆散了多少人。 The house is too far away, how many people. 11、老巷人來人往我依舊跌跌撞撞。 I still had the old lane People are hurrying to and fro. 12、安然的度過一世春秋。渾噩自知。 Safely through the spring and autumn period. That ignorant. 13、一次原諒會換來兩次背叛。 An excuse for two betrayal. 14、時光不會倒著走,我也不會再回頭。 Time will not go back, I will not look back. 15、也許你還沒浪夠我卻早已等夠。 Maybe you haven't been enough for me but I've been waiting for you. 16、我們都沒錯,只是不適合。 We're all right, just not right. 17、深到骨子里的愛,那是離不開。 Deep into the bones of love, that is cannot do without. 18、你從未入戲,我卻賠上了自己。 You never play, but I lost myself. 19、牽強(qiáng)著的快樂,是悲傷的最高級。 A far fetched happiness, is the most senior of sorrow. 20、風(fēng)吹吹就過了,人笑笑就散了。 The wind blows over, people laughing on the loose. 21、不差七情六欲,只欠一心一意。 No difference in the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, unpided attention. 22、因?yàn)閻勰?,所以害怕失去你?/p> Because love you, so afraid to lose you. 23、愛情結(jié)束了,分手是最后的好事。 Love is over, breaking up is the last good thing. 24、你走了,留給我那刻苦銘心的回憶。 You go, I left the unforgettable memories. 25、一個人的旅行,獨(dú)自的彷徨。 A person's travel, alone. 26、也曾用心過,只是后來失了熱情。 Also had intentions, but then lost enthusiasm. 27、愛你是種煎熬,心痛的我想逃。 I love you, I want to run away. 28、一句好了找我,之后再也沒找。 A good looking for me, and then never find. 29、不是所有人都會像他那樣慣著我。 Not everyone is going to be like me. 30、從長遠(yuǎn)來說,我們都死了。 In the long run, we're all dead. 31、完美的故事,卻化做眼淚為結(jié)局。 Perfect story, but the tears as a result. 32、聽悲傷的歌,看幸福的戲。 Listen to the sad song, see the happy play. 33、記得當(dāng)歸,妾身期盼佳音。 I hope you remember angelica. 34、你有新的旅途,我卻留在當(dāng)初。 You have a new journey, but I stay. 35、退到無路可走,不如就此放開手。 To have no way to go, it is better to let go. 36、謝謝你,那么忙,還親自來傷害我。 Thank you, so busy, also come to hurt me. 37、最先笑靨如花,最后滿是傷疤。 The first smile, finally full of scars. 38、你有新歡了,我連舊愛都不是。 You have love, I am not even an old one. 39、鴻雁在云魚在水,惆悵此情難寄。 Among the clouds fish in the water, it is hard to send melancholy. 40、多可笑!我竟然想要用堅持打動你! How ridiculous! I want to touch you! 41、故事早晚謝幕注定只留烈酒與孤獨(dú)。 Sooner or later, leaving only stories and lonely spirits destined to call. 42、一生飄泊擺渡,臨岸卻孤獨(dú)。 The wandering life ferry, near the shore but lonely. 43、太好聽的話語,一脫口就過期。 Too good to hear the words, a mouth expired. 44、電影再好看,終究要散場。 The movie will look good, will eventually end. 45、因?yàn)椴慌?,所以失陪?/p> Because not so. 46、后來,我愛的人都像你。 Later, I love people like you. 47、她一貫很忠實(shí),連死也不假裝。 She has always been faithful, never pretending to die. 48、原諒傷害并不難,難的是再次信任。 It's not hard to forgive, it's hard to trust again. 49、心軟一時,心痛一世。 The moment I softhearted, heartache. 50、也許有一天,你會明白我的重要。 Maybe one day, you will understand me. 51、只是悔恨當(dāng)初沒有拉住你的手。 Just regret not holding your hand. 52、抬頭、淺笑、這世態(tài)的悲涼。 Look up, smile, the world desolate. 53、有些人,你永遠(yuǎn)不必等。 Some people, you never have to wait. 54、說太多不如沉默,想太多我會難過。 Say too much silence, think too much I will be sad. 55、你沒那么多觀眾,別讓自己那么累。 You don't have so many people, don't make yourself so tired. 56、掉在地上臟了的愛情,我不會去撿。 Fell on the ground dirty love, I will not pick up. 57、孤獨(dú)的人,最喜歡假裝忙碌。 Lonely people like to pretend to be busy. 58、人憔悴,只為誰?紅葉流水不相隨。 People haggard, for whom? Red water does not go hand in hand. 59、在乎的人不明白,明白的人不在乎。 Care about people do not understand, understand people do not care. 60、風(fēng)確定要走,云怎么挽留。 Determine the wind to go, how to retain the cloud. 61、腐爛過的陽光,留下了陰影。 The rotting sun, leaving a shadow. 62、被忘卻,被記得,那都是別人的事。 To be forgotten, to be remembered, it's all else's business. 63、不是所有的難過都適合寫在臉上。 Not all the sadness is suitable for writing on the face. 64、誰不是一邊受挫折,一邊學(xué)堅強(qiáng)。 Who is not side by side setbacks, learn strong. 65、好多話忍著憋著后來就懶得說了。 A lot of words with Biezhao was too lazy to say. 66、別說什么搶走,只怪你能力不夠。 Don't say anything, you can't blame. 67、幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得! Happiness is not about what you want, but what you get! 68、總有一次流淚,讓人瞬間長大。 There is always a tear, let a person grow up in an instant. 69、你關(guān)的不是手機(jī),而是關(guān)了我的心! You don't turn off the cell phone, but close my heart! 70、你沒有錯,是我飛蛾撲火。 You are not wrong, I like. 71、不要指望別人,有時候還是靠自己。 Don't count on others, sometimes on their own. 72、最孤獨(dú)的是他明明在線卻不理你。 The most lonely is that he is online but ignore you. 73、回憶是一座橋,卻是通往寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge, but it is a prison to loneliness. 74、天冷致病,心冷致命。 Cold cold heart disease, fatal. 75、城市愈大,就愈感到孤獨(dú)。 The bigger the city, the more I feel lonely. 76、有一種思念叫只關(guān)注不打擾。 There is a kind of miss is only concerned about not disturbing. 77、即使說抱歉,也換不回我們的曾經(jīng)。 Even if we say sorry, we can't change our past. 78、年少輕狂,幸福時光。 Young frivolous, happy time. 79、夢的全是你滿滿的你。 Dream is full of you. 80、一地的凄涼、寫滿了你賜予的悲傷。 A desolate, filled with the sadness you gave. |
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- 非主流傷感頹廢短句子
- 一個人心痛的傷感說說,虐心催淚,讀到心碎!
- 最扎心想哭的傷感句子,看到一半已淚流滿面!
- 越看越拔不出來的崩潰句子,扎中人心,句句沒人懂!
- 有種淡淡憂傷的心情說說,簡短戳心!
- 下雨天的傷感心情句子,唯美虐心,讓人邊看邊哭!
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- 一個人體味孤獨(dú)的句子,看完后莫名的心酸!
- 讓人心疼的傷感情侶圖片短句,看痛了心,哭紅了眼!
- 最心酸委屈傷感的話,哪句戳心了?
- 抖音超贊的句子,人人拍手稱贊,百看不厭!
- 心累傷感的說說,超痛超虐心,秒殺你的堅強(qiáng)!