一、我們都一樣,各自有光芒。 二、所有的處之不厭,都是因為用心。 三、不管多累多困,都會想要和你聊天。 四、速熱的人也速凍,慢熱的人最長情。 五、與你一見如故,是我今生最美麗的相遇。 六、幸福是自己的,永遠不要拿別人來做參照。 七、我的愛情,長了蛀蟲,我的愛情,出了毛病。 八、愛情不是尋找共同點,而是學會尊重不同點。 九、總有一個人,一直住在心底,卻消失在生活里。 十、有些人是離開后,才會發(fā)覺那個人是最喜歡的。 十一、不能擺脫是人生的苦惱根源之一,戀愛尤其如此。 十二、我哭著笑著訴說著我的所有,可最終你還是不懂。 十三、沒有人非誰不可,所以我一時沒抓住你就溜走了。 十四、你是暖氣團,我是冷氣團,遇到你,我止不住流淚。 十五、喜歡就上,先行動了再考慮,即使很遜也要去試試。 十六、因為孤獨是生命的常態(tài),所以陪伴才顯得格外珍貴。 十七、愛情不是避難所,想進去避難的話,是會被趕出來的。 十八、即使一個人再壞,他心里也會有一個角落是尊重美好的。 十九、只要你的心是七彩的,那么你的世界就不會只剩下黑白。 二十、思念好像是很遙遠的一回事,有時卻偏偏比現(xiàn)實親近一點。 二十一、想完全了解一個男人,最好別做他的戀人,而做他的朋友。 二十二、會不會有一天,你忽然出現(xiàn)在我身后,蒙住我眼說我回來了。 二十三、我會想念你,在心里,在夢里,在所有你在或不在的時光里。 二十四、摧殘愛情的方式很多,不過連根拔起的狂風暴雨,卻是借錢。 二十五、愛一個人原來就是在冰箱里為她留一個蘋果,并且等她歸來。 二十六、關(guān)于想你這件事,躲得過對酒當歌的夜,躲不過四下無人的街。 二十七、從時間跨度來看,女人特有的氣質(zhì)要比先天的美貌更奪男人心魄。 二十八、思念一個人的滋味,就象是喝了一杯冰冷的水,然后一滴一滴凝成熱淚。 二十九、謙和,溫順且自持的生活,不亂于心,不困于情,不畏將來,不念過去。 三十、愛情需要隨遇而安,不需要過分期待,該來的總會來,你可別不耐心等待。 三十一、My love, a moth, my love, something wrong. 三十二、We are all the same, each has its own light. 三十三、Happiness is your own. Never refer to others. 三十四、Everything is not tiresome because of intentions. 三十五、It's the most beautiful meeting I've ever seen with you. 三十六、No matter how tired or sleepy you are, you will want to chat with you. 三十七、You're a heater, I'm a cooler. I can't stop crying when I meet you. 三十八、I will miss you, in my heart, in my dream, in all your time or absence. 三十九、Love is not a refuge. If you want to take refuge, you will be expelled. 四十、Some people don't realize that person is their favorite until they leave. 四十一、No one had to be there, so I slipped away without catching you for a moment. 四十二、Love is not about finding common ground, but learning to respect differences. 四十三、Quick-hot people are quick-frozen, slow-hot people are the most affectionate. 四十四、Will one day you suddenly appear behind me and blindfold me and say I'm back? 四十五、As long as your heart is colorful, then your world will not be black and white. 四十六、Because loneliness is the norm of life, companionship is particularly precious. 四十七、Missing seems to be a very distant thing, but sometimes it is closer to reality. 四十八、If you like it, take action before you think about it. Even if it's bad, try it. 四十九、Even if a person is bad, there will be a corner in his heart that respects the good. 五十、If you want to know a man completely, you'd better not be his lover, but his friend. 五十一、I cried and laughed and told all about me, but in the end you still don't understand. 五十二、There is always a person who lives in the bottom of his heart, but disappears in life. 五十三、There are many ways to destroy love, but even the storm of uprooting is to borrow money. 五十四、Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of life's distress, especially in love. 五十五、To love someone is to leave an apple for her in the refrigerator and wait for her to return. 五十六、As for thinking about you, you can't escape the night of singing about wine and the street of nobody. 五十七、In terms of time span, women's unique temperament is more attractive to men than their innate beauty. 五十八、The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a glass of cold water, and then one drop by one condenses into tears. 五十九、Love needs to be at ease with the situation, do not need to expect too much, the coming will always come, you can not wait impatiently. 六十、Modest, meek and self-sustaining life, not confused with the heart, not trapped in the feelings, not afraid of the future, not thinking about the past. |
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