1、一分事業(yè)心能抵十分特權(quán)。 2、夢想,是來自宙斯的禮物。 3、燕雀戲藩柴,安識鴻鵠游。 4、窮且益堅,不墜青云之志。 5、倘能生存,我當(dāng)然仍要學(xué)習(xí)。 6、沉沉的黑夜都是白天的前奏。 7、貧不足羞,可羞是貧而無志。 8、辛勤的蜜蜂永沒有時間悲哀。 9、習(xí)慣形成性格,性格決定命運。 10、幸福存在于一個人真正的工作中。 11、我們唯一不會改正的缺點是軟弱。 12、自私自利之心,是立人達人之障。 13、最大的無聊,就是為無聊費盡辛勞。 14、生活的理想,就是為了理想的生活。 15、為學(xué)須剛與恒,不剛則隋隳,不恒則退。 16、努力學(xué)習(xí),勤奮工作,讓青春更加光彩。 17、宿命論是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的借口。 18、只有愚者才等待機會,而智者則造就機會。 19、成大功者,不顧小嫌;建遠略者,不期近效。 20、最大的忍辱是犧牲,最大的犧牲是預(yù)備反抗。 21、燧石受到的敲打越厲害,發(fā)出的光就越燦爛。 22、人需要真理,就像瞎子需要明快的引路人一樣。 23、假使做事要面面顧到,那就什么事都不能做了。 24、當(dāng)你的希望一個個落空,你也要堅定,要沉著! 25、故立志者,為學(xué)之心也;為學(xué)者,立志之事也。 26、真正以謙虛是最高的美德,也即一切美德之母。 27、但偉大的藝術(shù)不是刀槍,它出于善,趨向于純粹。 28、多一分心力去注意別人,就少一分心力反省自己。 29、最好的節(jié)約是珍惜時間,最大的浪費是虛度年華。 30、許多偉大的真理開始的時候都被認(rèn)為是褻瀆行為。 31、人生有兩出悲?。阂皇侨f念俱灰,另一是躊躇滿志。 32、人生的價值,并不是用時間,而是用深度去衡量的。 33、對人生來說,健康并不是目的,但它是第一個條件。 34、真理不是靠喝采造出來的,是非不是靠投票決定的。 35、上帝從不埋怨人們的愚蠢,人們卻抱怨上帝的不公正。 36、天空雖有烏云,但烏云的上面,永遠會有太陽在照耀。 37、學(xué)習(xí)必須如蜜蜂一樣,采過許多花,這才能釀出蜜來。 38、想不是你要它來它便來,而是由它自己決定它的來去。 39、愚昧者怨天尤人,無能者長吁短嘆,儒弱者頹然放棄。 40、所慮時光疾,常懷緊迫情,蹣跚行步慢,落后最宜鞭。 41、盛年不重來,一日難再晨,及時當(dāng)勉勵,歲月不待人。 42、一個人的真正偉大之處就在于他能夠認(rèn)識到自己的渺小。 43、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有堅忍不拔之志。 44、懶惰受到的懲罰不僅僅是自己的失敗,還有別人的成功。 45、真正的快樂是內(nèi)在的,它只有在人類的心靈里才能發(fā)現(xiàn)。 46、說話講求技巧和欺騙是兩個概念的問題,你不要混淆了。 47、青年應(yīng)該同時代一起前進,應(yīng)該把前人的偏見踩在腳下。 48、當(dāng)我沉默的時候,我覺得充實;我將開口,同時感到空虛。 49、想升高,有兩樣?xùn)|西,那就是必須作鷹,或者作爬行動物。 50、滴水穿石,不是因其力量,而是因其堅韌不拔、鍥而不舍。 51、若你流淚,濕的總是我的臉,若你悲戚,苦的總是我的心。 52、Dreams are gifts from Zeus. 53、一個人如果胸?zé)o大志,既使再有壯麗的舉動也稱不上是偉人。 54、一個人的價值,應(yīng)該看他貢獻什么,而不應(yīng)當(dāng)看他取得什么。 55、共同的事業(yè),共同的斗爭,可以使人們產(chǎn)生忍受一切的力量。 56、如果你想得到藝術(shù)的享受,那你就必須是個有藝術(shù)修養(yǎng)的人。 57、每一個成功者都有一個開始。勇于開始,才能找到成功的路。 58、理想是力量的泉源、智慧的搖籃、沖鋒的戰(zhàn)旗、斬棘的利劍。 59、讓自己的內(nèi)心藏著一條巨龍,既是一種苦刑,也是一種樂趣。 60、一個人能否有成就,只看他是否具備自尊心與自信心兩個條件。 61、別人有一種說走就走的勇氣,而我這么年輕卻總有那么多顧慮。 62、我們花時間來尋求安寧,但是當(dāng)我們獲得它時,我們就會恨它。 63、把一切平凡的事做好即不平凡,把一切簡單的事做好即不簡單。 64、有些人因為貪婪,想得更多的東西,卻把現(xiàn)在所有的也失掉了。 65、有些故事還沒講完那就算了吧,那些心情在歲月已經(jīng)難辨真假。 66、正義是社會制度的首要價值,正像真理是思想的首要價值一樣。 67、給人幸福的不是身體上的好處,也不是財富,而是正直和謹(jǐn)慎。 68、要做的事情總找得出時間和機會;不要做的事情總找得出藉口。 69、你在兩個仇人之間說話要有分寸,以免他們和好后你將無地自容。 70、如果把每件事都看作是一個學(xué)習(xí)的機會,那就沒有所謂的失敗了。 71、我個人認(rèn)為,我們輸給人家的地方是生活以及工作的觀念和態(tài)度。 72、生活是一種綿延不絕的渴望,渴望不斷上升,變得更偉大而高貴。 73、青春是試煉,但不是揮霍。我們有犯錯的機會,卻沒再一次青春。 74、不要同一頭豬摔跤,因為這樣你會把全身弄臟,而對方卻樂此不疲。 75、懶鬼起來吧!別再浪費生命,將來在墳?zāi)估镉凶銐虻臅r間讓你睡覺。 76、我們活著不能與草木同腐,不能醉生夢死,枉度人生,要有所作為! 77、我們活著不能與草木同腐,不能醉生夢死,枉度人生,要有所做為! 78、把希望建筑在意欲和心愿上面的人們,二十次中有十九次都會失望。 79、每個人的青春里都有一條彎路,誰也沒法替誰走完,但未來總還在。 80、誰若游戲人生,他就一世無成,誰不能主宰自己,永遠是一個奴隸。 81、那些不能牢記著自己的過去的人,命中注定要一再地重復(fù)自己的過去。 82、Happiness lies in one's real work. 83、Selfishness is a barrier to success. 84、A dark night is a prelude to the day. 85、To learn is to be rigid and constant. 86、If I can survive, I still have to learn. 87、A diligent bee never has time to feel sad. 88、The ideal of life is to live an ideal life. 89、Be poor and strong, and do not fall in mind. 90、The biggest boredom is hard work for boredom. 91、A career ambition is worth a lot of privileges. 92、Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack willpower. 93、Many great truths began to be regarded as blasphemy. 94、When your hopes fail, you must be steadfast and calm. 95、Study hard and work hard to make youth more brilliant. 96、Habit forms character and character determines destiny. 97、The only drawback that we will not correct is weakness. 98、The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. 99、But great art is not a sword and gun. It is pure and pure. 100、Learning must take many flowers like bees to produce honey. 101、We take time to seek peace, but when we get it, we hate it. 102、Health is not an end in life, but it is the first condition. 103、If you do everything you want to do, you can't do anything. 104、If you want to enjoy art, you have to be an artistic person. 105、Laziness is punished not only by failure but also by others. 106、Poverty is not shame, but shame is poverty without ambition. 107、Man needs truth, just like a blind man who needs a clear guide. 108、When I am silent, I feel fulfilled; I will speak and feel empty. 109、Modesty is the highest virtue, that is, the mother of all virtues. 110、Speaking skill and cheating are two concepts. Do not confuse them. 111、Those who make great achievements do not care much about small ones. 112、True happiness is intrinsic, it can only be found in the human mind. 113、The more severe the hammering of flint, the more brilliant the light. 114、When we think of time sickness, we often feel anxious, slow and slow. 115、Only fools wait for opportunities, while wise men create opportunities. 116、The swallow sparrow plays the firewood, and the security knows the swan. 117、Truth is not created by applause, right or wrong is not decided by vote. 118、A common cause and a common struggle can make people endure all strength. 119、In ancient times, there are not only super talents but also perseverance. 120、There is always time and opportunity to do, and no excuse is always found. 121、Some people want more because of greed, but they lose everything they have. 122、The best way to save is to cherish time. The greatest waste is wasted time. 123、Hiding a huge dragon in your heart is both a form of torture and a pleasure. 124、The real greatness of a man is that he can recognize his own insignificance. 125、There are two tragedies in life: one is despair and the other is complacent. 126、Life is a continuous desire, yearning to rise and become more grand and noble. 127、Those who cannot remember their past are doomed to repeat their past and past. 128、It is not that you want it to come, but that it decides its own coming and going. 129、We can not live with the grass and rotten. We must not be drunk and dream of life. 130、Every successful person has a beginning. The courage to start is the way to success. 131、God never complains people's stupidity, but people complain about God's injustice. 132、If everything is seen as an opportunity to learn, there is no such thing as failure. 133、It is not easy to do all the ordinary things well, and to do all simple things well. 134、It is not physical gain, nor wealth, but integrity and caution that gives happiness. 135、Others have the courage to walk away, but I am always so worried when I am so young. 136、There are two things that I want to raise, that is, I must be an eagle or a reptile. 137、Those who are ignorant complain of others, and those who are incompetent sigh and sigh. 138、A person's value should be determined by what he contributes, rather than what he gets. 139、If a person has no ambition, even if he has a grand act, he will not be called a great man. 140、If you distract yourself with more attention, you will be less able to reflect on yourself. 141、We can not live with the grass and rotten together. We must not be drunk and dream of life. 142、Youth is a trial, but not a waste. We have the chance to make mistakes, but not once again. 143、If you do not come again in the prime of life, it will be hard for you to come back in a day. 144、The greatest sacrifice is sacrifice, and the greatest sacrifice is preparation for resistance. 145、Justice is the primary value of a social system, just as truth is the primary value of thought. 146、Therefore, those who aspire to be the heart of learning are also those who aspire for scholars. 147、If you shed tears, my face will always be wet. If you are sad and bitter, it is always my heart. 148、Everyone has a detour in his youth, no one can finish for anyone, but the future is always there. 149、Let's get lazy. Don't waste your life. There will be enough time for you to sleep in the grave. 150、Don't wrestle with a pig, because you will dirty the whole body, but the other side will enjoy it. 151、Personally, I believe that the places we lose to others are the concepts and attitudes of life and work. 152、Nineteen times in twenty times, people who hope to build on aspirations and aspirations will be disappointed. 153、Although there are dark clouds in the sky, there will always be the sun shining on the top of the dark clouds. 154、Whether a person can achieve success depends on whether he has two conditions: self-esteem and self-confidence. 155、Whoever plays the game will never succeed in his life. Whoever can not dominate himself will always be a slave. 156、Young people should move forward together with the times, and should prejudice the prejudices of their predecessors. 157、Ideal is the fountain of strength, the cradle of wisdom, the battle flag of assault, and the sharp sword of chopping. 158、Constant dripping wears away stones, not because of their strength, but because of their perseverance and perseverance. 159、You have to have a sense of propriety between two enemies, so that you will not feel comfortable when they are reconciled. 160、Some stories haven't been finished yet. Let's forget, those feelings have been hard to distinguish between the true and the false in the years. |