1、原來喜歡一個人,可以因為他的圈子太大而放棄,然后還覺得放下了很輕松。 Originally like a person, you can give up because his circle is too big, and then feel very relaxed. 2、人總有東西是無論如何也舍不得放棄的,多么卑微的人生也有美好的堅持。 There is always something that people can't give up in any case. What a humble life there is also a good insistence. 3、有時候,你放棄了某個人,不是因為你不再在乎,而是因為你意識到他們不在乎了。 Sometimes you give up someone not because you don't care anymore, but because you realize they don't care anymore. 4、愛你,很久了,等你,也很久了,現(xiàn)在,我要離開你了,比很久很久還要久。 Love you, for a long time, waiting for you, also for a long time, now, I want to leave you, longer than a long time. 5、我有許多理由放棄你,但我選擇了留下;而你有一大堆理由留下,卻選擇了放棄我。 I have many reasons to abandon you, but I chose to stay; and you have a lot of reasons to stay, but chose to abandon me. 6、時間會慢慢沉淀,有些人會在你心底慢慢模糊。學(xué)會放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。 Time will slowly precipitate, some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go, your happiness needs your own accomplishment. 7、沒有人可以回到過去重新開始,但誰都可以從今日開始,書寫一個全然不同的結(jié)局。 No one can go back to the past and start anew, but anyone can start today and write a totally different ending. 8、凡事可遇而不可求,失去的不一定是最好的,只有合適自己的才是最好的。 Everything can be met but not sought. Lost is not necessarily the best, only the right one is the best. 9、后來遇到再喜歡的也就笑著搖搖頭,因為你走了,同時也帶走了我的奮不顧身。 Later, when I met someone who liked it again, I shook my head and laughed, because you left, and at the same time took away my desperation. 10、遲早有一天我們的關(guān)系會變淡,我會把你的備注改成你的名字,放在大眾分組不再問候。 Sooner or later, our relationship will fade. I will change your notes to your name and put them in groups of people without greeting. 11、你永遠也看不到我最寂寞時候的樣子,因為只有你不在我身邊的時候,我才最寂寞。 You will never see me when I am most lonely, because only when you are not around me, I am most lonely. 12、我每天都在數(shù)著你的笑,可是你連笑的時候,都好寂寞。他們說你的笑容,又漂亮又落拓。 I count your laughter every day, but you are lonely even when you laugh. They say your smile is beautiful and elegant. 13、當一切塵埃落定,當一切歸于平靜,我才會真正懂得放棄其實也是一種美麗的收獲。 When all the dust settles down, when everything returns to calm, I will really understand that giving up is actually a beautiful harvest. 14、不聯(lián)系,是因為你的冷淡告訴我打擾到你了;不主動,是因為根本打動不了你。 No contact, because your indifference tells me to disturb you; no initiative, because you can not move at all. 15、后來發(fā)現(xiàn),我們學(xué)會放棄,是為了重新出發(fā)。理智一點兒,你是必須走的,因為只有這一個選擇。 Later, it was found that we learned to give up in order to start afresh. Be rational, you have to go, because there is only one choice. 16、我這一生飲過的酒,流過的淚,都不及你轉(zhuǎn)身離開時帶來的苦澀讓我難過。 The wine and tears that I have drunk in my life are less painful than the bitterness you brought when you turned around and left. 17、后悔是一種耗費精神的情緒,后悔是比損失更大的損失,比錯誤更大的錯誤,所以不要后悔。 Regret is a spiritual consuming emotion. Regret is a greater loss than loss and a bigger mistake than mistake. So don't regret. 18、離開后,別說祝我幸福,你有什么資格祝我幸福。要離開,就請永遠別再回來。 After leaving, don't say wish me happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness? If you want to leave, please never come back. 19、我做過最有勇氣的事,就是放棄了做朋友的機會,只想讓你知道我喜歡你。 The most courageous thing I've ever done is to give up the chance to be a friend, just to let you know that I like you. 20、無論游戲還是人生,你都無法控制你會遭遇什么,但你卻可以決定如何回應(yīng),你應(yīng)該永不放棄。 You can't control what you're going to encounter in games or in life, but you can decide how to respond. You should never give up. 21、人要成功一定要有永不放棄的精神,當你學(xué)會放棄的時候,你才開始進步。 If you want to succeed, you must have the spirit of never giving up. When you learn to give up, you begin to make progress. 22、放棄某種等待卻無法收獲的感情!放棄某種心靈的期望!每放棄一種思緒,心里便生出一種傷感! Give up the feeling of waiting but not harvesting! Give up some kind of spiritual expectation! Every time I give up a thought, I feel sad. 23、不要放棄你的幻想。當幻想沒有了以后,你還可以生存,但是你雖生猶死。 Don't give up your fantasy. When the fantasy is gone, you can still exist, but you still die. 24、我們的生活有太多無奈,我們無法改變,也無力去改變,更糟的是,我們失去了改變的想法。 There are so many helplessness in our life that we can't change, and we can't change. What's worse, we have lost the idea of change. 25、不要因為一個人或一場失敗的愛情,而放棄追逐愛情的念頭,青春永遠經(jīng)不起等待! Don't give up the idea of pursuing love because of a person or a failed love. Youth can never stand waiting! 26、這世上最難堪的事不是他不愛你,而是他說很愛很愛你,最后卻輕易地放棄了你。 The most embarrassing thing in the world is not that he doesn't love you, but that he says he loves you very much and finally gives you up easily. 27、那年,遇見了你,相信了叫永遠的東西;那年,你離我而去,我一個人收拾著回憶。 That year, I met you and believed in something called forever; that year, you left me, and I picked up my memories alone. 28、最難過的,莫過于當你遇上一個特別的人,卻明白永遠不可能在一起,或遲或早,你不得不放棄。 The saddest thing is when you meet a special person and realize that you can never be together, sooner or later, you have to give up. 29、到了今年,沒有什么是一定要的。如果說有什么一定要的,那就是對自己好。 By this year, nothing is necessary. If there is anything necessary, it is good for yourself. 30、不要因為一點瑕疵而放棄一段愛情,畢竟在愛情里,需要的是真情,而不是完美。 Don't give up a love because of a flaw. After all, in love, what you need is truth, not perfection. 31、每一次告別,最好用力一點。多說一句,可能是最后一句。多看一眼,可能是最后一眼。 Every time you say goodbye, you'd better try harder. One more sentence, maybe the last one. Take one more look, maybe the last. 32、心會累愛會冷,這是感情必經(jīng)的過程,只是兩個人在一起,總是有一個人說要放棄。 Heart will be tired love will be cold, this is the process of emotions, but two people together, there is always a person who said to give up. 33、不用誰去提醒,我再想你一次,就一次,然后我就回歸我自己的生活,我的痊愈,你們遲早會知道。 I don't need anyone to remind me, I think about you once more, just once, and then I will return to my own life, my recovery, you will know sooner or later. 34、有時,愛也是種傷害。殘忍的人,選擇傷害別人,善良的人,選擇傷害自己。 Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others, good people, choose to hurt themselves. 35、一個人好想找個人來陪。一個人失去了自己。不知還有沒有要再追的渴望。 A person is eager to find someone to accompany him. A man has lost himself. I wonder if there is any desire to pursue again. 36、在這個紛繞的世俗世界里,能夠?qū)W會用一顆平常的心去對待周圍的一切,也是一種境界。 In this tortuous secular world, it is also a realm to learn to treat everything around with an ordinary heart. 37、愛到痛了,痛到哭了,于是選擇了放手。放手是一種無奈的絕望,痛徹心扉。 Love to pain, pain to cry, so choose to let go. Letting go is a kind of helpless despair, painful heart. 38、好的愛情是你通過一個人看到整個世界,壞的愛情是你為了一個人舍棄世界。 Good love makes you see the whole world through one person, while bad love makes you abandon the world for one person. 39、又是一個寧靜的夜晚,我獨自坐在窗前,彈著我打品的吉他,嘴里銜著半支煙。 Another quiet night, I sat alone at the window, playing my guitar, half a cigarette in my mouth. 40、因為有風(fēng)有雨,所以,幸福更值得珍惜。人總是會活出一個方法,等待幸福。 Because of the wind and rain, happiness is more valuable. People will always live a way, waiting for happiness. 41、如果愛上,就不要輕易放過機會。莽撞,可能使你后悔一陣子;怯懦,卻可能使你后悔一輩子。 If you fall in love, don't let the chance slip away easily. Recklessness may make you regret for a while; cowardice may make you regret for a lifetime. 42、如果有一天我放棄了你,不是因為我愛上別人了,是因為你一點不在乎我! If one day I give up on you, not because I fell in love with others, because you don't care about me at all! 43、喜歡一個人,就要讓他快樂,讓他幸福,使那份感情更誠摯。如果你做不到,那你還是放手吧! If you like a person, you should make him happy, make him happy, and make that feeling more sincere. If you can't do it, let go! 44、如果愛只剩下無奈的心痛,那么,就讓我選擇徹底放棄,沒你的日子,一個人靜靜的走。 If love leaves only helpless heartache, then let me choose to give up completely, without you, a person quietly go. 45、真正的愛情,是在能愛的時候,懂得珍惜。真正的愛情,是在無法愛的時候,懂得放手。 True love is to know how to cherish when you can love. True love is to let go when you can't love. 46、明智的放棄,勝過盲目的執(zhí)著,因為在執(zhí)著與執(zhí)迷不悟也只有一紙之隔,很難把握分寸的。 Wise abandonment is better than blind persistence, because persistence and obsession are only one paper apart, it is difficult to grasp the scale. 47、如果有一天,你開始后悔放棄我,請記得,我從未想過用離開的方式,去教會你珍惜! If one day, you begin to regret giving up me, please remember, I never thought of using the way to leave, to teach you to cherish! 48、這一秒不管我下了多大的決心要放棄你,下一秒就擦干眼淚繼續(xù)喜歡,就是這么的沒有出息。 No matter how determined I am to give up you in this second, I will wipe away my tears and continue to like it in the next second. That's just how fruitless it is. 49、經(jīng)常在深夜聽著某首歌曲,然后想起某個人,接著眼淚就不自覺的滑落下來。 Often in the middle of the night listening to a song, and then think of someone, and then tears unconsciously fall down. 50、最痛苦的莫過于徘徊在放與不放之間的那一段。真正下決心放棄了,反而,會有一種釋然的感覺。 Nothing is more painful than the one that lingers between putting and not letting go. Really determined to give up, on the contrary, there will be a sense of relief. 51、我已經(jīng)減少找你的次數(shù),備注換成全名,取消特別關(guān)心,早該明白,我們已經(jīng)快走到了盡頭。 I've reduced the number of times I've looked for you, replaced the notes with full names, and cancelled my special concern. It should have been clear that we're almost at the end. 52、當一個人徹底死心,徹底放棄時,你最好不要后悔當初你的選擇,更不要回來說你還愛我! When a person totally dies and gives up, you'd better not regret your choice, let alone come back and say you still love me! uuuuuuuuuuu 53、人生最遺憾的,莫過于,輕易地放棄了不該放棄的,固執(zhí)地,堅持了不該堅持的。 The most regrettable thing in life is that you easily give up what you should not give up, stubbornly insist on what you should not insist on. 54、如果有一天,你開始后悔放棄我,請記得,我曾經(jīng)像乞丐一樣求你留下過。 If one day you begin to regret giving up me, please remember that I begged you to stay like a beggar. 55、沒有尊重,愛會走掉。沒有在乎,愛會無聊。沒有誠實,愛會不爽。沒有信任,愛會不牢。 Without respect, love will go away. Love is boring without caring. Without honesty, love will not be happy. Without trust, love is not strong. 56、學(xué)會放棄,放棄是一種智慧的美麗。懂得放棄,才更懂得擁有,懂得珍惜。 Learn to give up, give up is a beautiful wisdom. Know how to give up, know how to own, know how to cherish. 57、姑娘,夠了,難道非要等到他把你傷的體無完膚才肯放棄嗎?死心吧,他根本不在乎你。 Girl, that's enough. Don't you have to wait until he's done with your wounded body to give up? Dead heart, he doesn't care about you at all. 58、窗外下著雪,泡一杯咖啡,握到它涼了,才知道又想起了你。我的期待你如何才能明白! It's snowing outside the window, making a cup of coffee, holding it cold, I know I think of you again. How can I expect you to understand? 59、如果,不幸福,如果,不快樂,那就放手吧;如果,舍不得、放不下,那就痛苦吧。 If you are unhappy, if you are unhappy, let go; if you are unwilling and unable to let go, you will suffer. |
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