1、秋的湖面波光粼粼,一陣微風(fēng)拂過,湖畔長長的柳條飄灑在湖面上,濺起點點水花,火泛起層層波紋。 The autumn lake is sparkling with a gentle breeze. The long wickers on the lakeside are sprinkled on the lake, splashing a little water, and the sparks ripple in layers. 2、深秋時節(jié),枝頭黃葉被一夜秋風(fēng)吹盡,遍地都是,好像鋪了一條黃色的地毯。 In late autumn, the branches and leaves were blown away by the autumn wind overnight, everywhere, as if covered with a yellow carpet. 3、秋,把我思想中不敢釋放出來的憂傷,慷慨的贈送給了秋風(fēng),飛揚在這多愁善感的季節(jié)里,飛揚在這流淚的季節(jié)里。 Autumn, my thoughts dare not release the sadness, generous gift to the autumn wind, flying in this sentimental season, flying in this season of tears. 4、秋姑娘來到了果園,她對著蘋果上吹上一口神氣把蘋果變成了紅色,掛在樹上像一個個小燈籠。她把梨子變成黃色。 Autumn girl came to the orchard. She blew an air on the apple and turned the apple red. She hung on the tree like a small lantern. She turned the pear yellow. 5、遇到你之前,世界是一片荒原,遇到你之后,世界是一個樂園,過去的許多歲月,對我象一縷輕煙,未來的無限生涯,因你而幸福無邊。 Before meeting you, the world is a wilderness. After meeting you, the world is a paradise. For many years, it has been like a wisp of smoke to me. In the future, unlimited career, happiness is boundless because of you. 6、樹林里的樹可真呀!有黃樹葉有紅樹葉,還有綠樹葉,樹中在空中飛來飛去真像一只只蝴蝶在空中飛翔。 What a tree in the woods! There are yellow leaves, red leaves and green leaves. The trees fly in the air like butterflies. 7、秋光絢麗,金風(fēng)送爽,如海的高粱舉起火把,無邊的大豆搖響銅鈴。 Autumn is gorgeous, the golden wind is refreshing, like sorghum in the sea lifting torches, boundless soybeans ringing copper bells. 8、或是晨光初照,或是山街夕輝,獨坐秋天,高天淡云遠(yuǎn)山近樹鳥鳴,幕天席地,一曲幽遠(yuǎn)的天籟交響在你的心底里升起。 Or the first light of the morning, or the evening glow of the mountain street, sitting alone in autumn, high sky, light clouds, distant mountains, near trees and birds singing, the curtain of heaven and earth, a far-reaching symphony rises in the bottom of your heart. 9、秋天像一位年逾不惑的中年人,落盡繁華,豐稔而睿智。秋天像色彩之神,使大自然的變得絢麗多彩。秋天像歡樂之神,為人們帶來了豐收的喜悅。 Autumn is like a middle-aged man who has passed the age of perplexity, full of prosperity and wisdom. Autumn, like the God of color, makes nature colorful. Autumn, like the God of joy, brings people the joy of harvest. 10、晨風(fēng)微微吹來,一顆顆晶瑩透亮的露珠順著葉子滑下來,歡快地跳躍著。綠油油的小草在柔和的晨光愛撫下蘇醒了,在雨露的洗刷下顯得更加綠了。 The morning breeze blew slightly, and the dewdrops glided down the leaves, jumping happily. The green grass revived under the gentle morning light, and became greener under the wash of rain and dew. 11、秋草有情,徑自凋敝;黃花無意,引領(lǐng)南山遠(yuǎn)眺。阡陌相交,炊煙裊裊,那是秋天里寫不盡的詩情。 The autumn grass is sentimental, but its path is desolate; the yellow flower is unintentional, leading the Nanshan Mountain to overlook. Crossing paths, smoke curling in the kitchen, that is the endless poetry in autumn. 12、到了秋天,它會讓農(nóng)民伯伯非常的開心,因為他們辛辛苦苦種的糧食果子等,都豐收了。哇,想起我最喜歡吃的青桔出桔了,口水都流了下來。 In autumn, it will make the farmers uncle very happy, because they work hard to grow grain, fruits and so on, have a bumper harvest. Wow, I think my favorite orange is orange, and my mouth is watering down. 13、秋風(fēng),送來了涼爽。秋風(fēng),送來了沉甸甸的果實。秋風(fēng),使樹葉翩翩起舞。而秋天的樹林,更是美不勝收,令人陶醉! Autumn breeze brings cool. Autumn wind brings heavy fruits. The autumn wind makes the leaves dance. And the autumn woods are beautiful and intoxicating! 14、秋天,葉子一片片落下,帶著一絲絲的遺憾,投向大地母親的懷抱,她們跳躍著,旋轉(zhuǎn)著,輕舞飛揚著,翩然落下。 In autumn, leaves fall one by one, with a trace of regret, to the embrace of Mother Earth, they jump, spin, light dance flying, lightly falling. 15、金秋對于我來說很美,有翩翩起舞的落葉,有累累的果實,有多變的大風(fēng)。金秋的傍晚,更是妙不可言。 Golden Autumn is very beautiful for me. There are dancing leaves, fruits and winds. The golden autumn evening is even more wonderful. 16、上坡上,一穗穗的高粱高傲地矗立著。秋風(fēng)吹來,它們像一把把勝利的火把,高興地晃動著。 Uphill, a spike of sorghum stands proudly. The autumn wind blows, and they shake happily like a torch of victory. 17、那個秋天,心隨著秋風(fēng)蕭瑟、飄搖,心事像落葉一樣枯萎、埋葬,一切都消失在那個煙雨縹緲的清秋中。 That autumn, the heart with the autumn wind bleak, waving, heart like deciduous withered, buried, everything disappeared in the misty autumn. 18、秋風(fēng)蕭瑟落葉盡,秋殤離落悲涼至,淺秋固然是蕭條的,偏偏唯獨喜歡秋的沉淀,秋的靜美,秋的碩果累累。 The autumn wind is bleak and leaves are falling, and the autumn martyrdom is desolate. Although the shallow autumn is depressed, it only likes the precipitation of autumn, the quiet beauty of autumn and the fruits of autumn. 19、一片金黃的稻田,在陽光的照耀下,閃爍著耀眼的光芒,秋風(fēng)習(xí)習(xí)吹來,掀起層層金浪,飄來陣陣稻谷的芳香。 A golden paddy field, under the sunshine, glitters with dazzling light, the autumn wind blowing, set off layers of golden waves, floating bursts of fragrance of rice. 20、金色的秋天來了,天空像一塊覆蓋大地的藍(lán)寶石,它已經(jīng)被秋風(fēng)抹拭得非常潔凈而美麗。 Golden autumn is coming. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. It has been wiped clean and beautiful by the autumn wind. 21、秋,不是常說是金色的嗎?的確,她給大自然帶來了豐碩的果實,給包括人在內(nèi)的眾多生物賞賜了無數(shù)得以延續(xù)生命的食糧。 Autumn, is not often said to be golden? Indeed, she has brought abundant fruits to nature, and has rewarded numerous creatures, including human beings, with food to continue their lives. 22、秋天到了,金風(fēng)送爽,河里的魚蝦肥了;果園里果實累累,到處是一派豐收的景象。 Autumn is coming, the golden wind is brisk, the fish and shrimp in the river are fat, and the orchard is full of fruits and harvest scenes everywhere. 23、秋天是畫,是彩云,是流霞,是成熟,是收獲。讓我們贊美秋天,贊美豐收的圖景,贊美這絢麗多姿的秋天風(fēng)采,珍惜這“人到中年”的美好時光。 Autumn is painting, clouds, flowing clouds, maturity and harvest. Let's celebrate autumn, the harvest scenery, the splendid autumn style, and cherish the good time of middle age. 24、稻田里,一片黃澄澄的稻谷隨著秋風(fēng)翻起金波,綠油油的菜地里,肥嫩的菜葉上閃耀著晶瑩的露珠。 In the paddy field, a yellow and clear paddy turns golden waves with the autumn wind. In the green vegetable field, the dew shines on the tender vegetable leaves. 25、秋在田野里。田野是金飄落的葉子色的。飄落的葉子澄澄的稻谷,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)望去,整個田野就像鋪上了一塊金色的地毯。 Autumn is in the field. The fields are golden leaves. From a distance, the whole field looks like a golden carpet covered with fallen leaves and clear rice. 26、公園里,一簇簇的花,有白的紅的,大大小小,色彩斑斕。我俯下身子,向花叢聞了聞,一股清香頓時沁入心脾。 In the park, clusters of flowers, white and red, big and small, colorful. I bent down and sniffed at the flowers. A delicate fragrance immediately penetrated my heart and spleen. 27、秋天不像春天那樣百花爭艷,芳香怡人;也不像夏天那樣有那么多的小生靈在歌唱;也沒有冬天那么美麗。可是,它在我心中卻是最美的。 Autumn is not as beautiful and fragrant as spring, nor is there so many little creatures singing as summer, nor is it as beautiful as winter. However, it is the most beautiful in my heart. 28、行走在秋日的街頭,心中平添了幾分憂郁和惆悵,抬頭望天,殘陽如血,低頭看地,滿是枯黃的落葉,秋天,真是一個令人傷感的季節(jié)。 Walking in the streets of autumn, my heart added a little melancholy and melancholy, looking up at the sky, the sun as blood, looking down at the ground, full of withered leaves, autumn, is really a sad season. 29、走在秋日的路上,抬頭看看幽藍(lán)的天空,柔和的云朵,一陣輕風(fēng)徐徐吹拂過眉梢,有點涼意,清清爽爽。 Walking on the road in autumn, looking up at the blue sky, soft clouds, a gentle breeze gently blowing through the eyebrows, a little cool, refreshing. 30、秋季與春季相比雖然氣溫比較相似,但是少了那種偶爾剌骨的寒意,更多的是有了一種能平息浮躁的溫情與柔軟。 Although the temperature in autumn is comparatively similar to that in spring, there is less occasional chill and more warmth and softness that can calm the impetuosity. 31、清晨,晶瑩的露珠便會和草葉做游戲,滾來滾去的。用手接一滴,一不小心,露珠便會滾落到地上,一下子不見了,仿佛也和他在玩游戲呢! In the early morning, the glittering dew will play games with the grass and leaves, rolling back and forth. Hand after hand, carelessly, dew will roll to the ground, suddenly disappeared, as if he was playing a game! 32、淺秋的風(fēng),藏著幾分夏末的余溫,花不語,流水卻懂,一朵心蓮,被風(fēng)拂成一首詩的芬芳。 The wind of the shallow autumn hides a few minutes of the afterheat of the late summer. The flowers are silent, but the running water understands. A heart lotus is blown by the wind into the fragrance of a poem. 33、秋天的落葉,深深淺淺,斑斑駁駁。就如同人的記憶:淺淺深深,點點滴滴。想忘,忘不了。想舍棄,又舍不得。 Fall leaves, deep shallow, mottled. Just like human memory: shallow and deep, bit by bit. Want to forget, forget. Want to give up, but also reluctant to give up. 34、秋天,樹葉都飄落下來了。金色的樹葉包后海襯托得更加美麗。游客們在涼爽的天氣里聊著天,散著步,盡情享受秋天的陽光。 In autumn, all the leaves fall down. Golden leaves make the sea more beautiful. Tourists chat, walk and enjoy autumn sunshine in cool weather. 35、秋風(fēng)來了,帶著刺骨的寒意,枯黃的葉在寒風(fēng)中簌簌,四季在此時格外分明,一如不能自抑的情緒,終于找到了突破口,一瀉到底,再也不會停止。 Autumn wind came, with a bitter chill, withered yellow leaves rustling in the cold wind, the four seasons are particularly clear at this time, as if unable to restrain emotions, and finally found a breakthrough, a diarrhea to the end, will never stop. 36、葉子從大樹上落下,有的像蝴蝶翩翩起舞,有的像大雁展翅飛翔。地上灑滿了落葉,像一條金光大道,載著我的夢想伸向遠(yuǎn)方。 Leaves fell from trees, some dancing like butterflies, some flying like geese. The ground is covered with fallen leaves, like a golden avenue, carrying my dream to the distant. 37、秋風(fēng)蕭瑟,層林盡染,一片金黃;陽光下,走在這密林之中,確有一番別樣味道。 Autumn wind bleak, layers of forest dyed, a golden yellow; in the sunshine, walking in this dense forest, really has a different taste. 38、深秋的天空里,團(tuán)團(tuán)白云像彈好的羊毛,慢慢地飄浮著。 In the late autumn sky, clouds float slowly like elastic wool. 39、念平昔,空飄蕩,遍天涯。歸來三徑重掃,松竹本吾家。卻恨悲風(fēng)時起,冉冉云間新雁,邊馬怨胡笳。誰似東山老,談笑靜胡沙。 Read the past, empty drift, all over the world. Return three paths to sweep, Song Zhuben my home. But hate the sad wind, Ran Yun between the new geese, side horse resentment Hu Jian. Who is as old as Dongshan, talking and laughing quietly Husha. 40、秋天是金黃的,院子里樹木變黃了,漸漸枯萎了。金燦燦的秋陽暖烘烘地照著大地,把人們、草地、樹木照得都變黃了。 Autumn is golden. The trees in the yard turn yellow and gradually wither. The golden autumn sun shines warmly on the earth, turning people, grasslands and trees yellow. |
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