1、小王留了中分,然后變成了小全。 Xiao Wang left a midpoint and became Xiao Quan. 2、不想顛倒眾生,只想顛倒你。 I don't want to upset all living beings, I just want to upset you. 3、想見到你,獨占你的目光。 Want to see you, monopolize your eyes. 4、先生,我能做你未來的夫人嘛。 Sir, I can be your future wife. 5、生活需要一點柔軟,比如大胸。 Life needs a little softness, like a big chest. 6、也好想談個戀愛,被人寵成小朋友。 Also want to talk about a love, be spoiled as a child. 7、這世道太亂,你不妨跟了我。 It's a messy world. You might as well follow me. 8、待你長發(fā)及腰,肯定分叉不少。 When you have long hair and waist, there must be a lot of bifurcation. 9、給你兩個選擇:吃屎或喜歡我。 Give you two choices: eat shit or like me. 10、建議你喜歡我,我回消息賊快。 I suggest you like me. I'll get back to you soon. 11、怎么泡男孩子啊,水溫多少合適。 How to soak boys? The water temperature is more or less suitable. 12、像我這種人才,到哪都吃的開。 Talents like me eat everywhere. 13、你那么迷人,怎么不會心動。 You are so charming, how can you not be heartbeat? 14、你不是別人的,我就很開心。 You're not someone else. I'm happy. 15、今天好想你,明天更想你。 I miss you today, but I miss you more tomorrow. 16、生活不能給你的甜,或許我可以。 Life can't give you sweet, maybe I can. 17、零食有什么好吃的,我更喜歡吃你。 What's good about snacks? I prefer to eat you. 18、我可能是鹽吃多了,閑的總是想你。 I may have eaten too much salt, but I always miss you when I am idle. 19、我是可愛的女孩子,你是可愛。 I am a lovely girl, you are lovely. 20、我不在的日子里,地球很危險。 The earth is dangerous in my absence. 21、我為你著了魔,你必須獎勵我。 I am enchanted with you. You must reward me. 22、你煩我,你再煩我,你就娶我。 If you bother me, if you bother me again, you will marry me. 23、人在做天在看,我做事要你管。 People are watching in the sky. I want you to take care of what I do. 24、多想看輕自己,可我的體重不允許。 I want to think less of myself, but my weight is not allowed. 25、你的傘下有我,我的心上有你。 You have me under your umbrella and you in my heart. 26、答應我,你的嘴只用來吃飯。 Promise me, your mouth is only for eating. 27、你快點偷親我,我眼睛都閉好了。 You kiss me quickly, my eyes are closed. 28、我有一卡車的嬌,無處可撒。 I have a truck of charming, there is no place to scatter. 29、我的軟我的甜,僅對你一人可見。 My softness and my sweetness are only visible to you. 30、人生建議,養(yǎng)一只可愛的我。 Life advice, keep a lovely me. 31、以公主之名,判你愛我無期徒刑。 In the name of the princess, you shall be sentenced to life imprisonment for loving me. 32、想和你在一起,把蠢傳染給你。 I want to be with you and spread stupidity to you. 33、幸福,就是找一個的人過一輩子。 Happiness is to find a person for a lifetime. 34、誰有多余的老公,今天借我一個。 Who has a spare husband? Lend me one today. 35、你眼里有星星,而我是月亮。 You have stars in your eyes, and I am the moon. 36、原來地久天長,只是誤會一場。 It was a long time ago, but a misunderstanding. 37、叮咚,你有新的愛意請查收獲。 Dingdong, if you have new love, please harvest it. 38、敢問公子,小女子該如何博你歡心。 Ask your son, how can a little girl please you? 39、說那么多暗語也敵不過,我喜歡你。 Speaking so much secret language is no match. I like you. 40、我不會去接你的,你死在幼兒園吧。 I'm not going to pick you up. You're dead in kindergarten. 41、你遠近都迷人,我橫豎都喜歡。 You are fascinating far and near, I like it vertically. 42、不熟沒關系,叫我小仙女就好。 It doesn't matter if I'm not familiar. Just call me a fairy. 43、哪里都長脂肪了,除了咱的胸部。 There's fat everywhere except our breasts. 44、我要去宇宙了,回來摘星星給你。 I'm going to the universe. Come back and pick the stars for you. 45、你要是聽話,就給你一個么么噠。 If you are obedient, what will you get? 46、我偏偏無理取鬧,除非先生抱抱。 I'm just making trouble for no reason, unless my husband embraces me. 47、美貌是種罪孽,暴雪也無法掩埋。 Beauty is a sin, and Blizzard cannot be buried. 48、熟讀情詩三百首,撩遍天下無敵手。 Read 300 love poems well, and they are invincible all over the world. 49、情不知所起,愛上就死磕到底。 If you don't know what to do, you'll fall in love and die. 50、戀愛可以不談,錢,不能沒有。 Love can not be talked about, money, can not be without. 51、美的不可方物,騷的不知所云。 Beauty can't be seen without knowing. 52、開始降溫了,你可以抱抱我。 It's starting to cool down. You can hug me. 53、感情向來叫人心酸,就如你一般。 Emotions have always been sour, just like you. 54、江湖不好混,躲我被窩吧。 It's not easy to mix up rivers and lakes. Hide me. 55、我只要吃得夠快,脂肪就追不上我。 As long as I eat fast enough, fat won't catch up with me. 56、小女子很有才,是公子配不上我。 The young woman is very talented, and the male son does not match me. 57、你無意間一笑,惹了我一場心動。 You inadvertently laughed, causing me a heartbeat. 58、想嫁給你,然后收點彩禮費。 Want to marry you, and then collect some gifts. 59、別陪我熬夜,我怕我會喜歡上你。 Don't stay up with me, I'm afraid I'll like you. 60、希望合適,和喜歡能撞個滿懷。 Hope that the right, and like to bump into full. 61、只許州官放火,不許你離開我。 Only state officials can set fire, and you are not allowed to leave me. 62、哇,想改一改了,能不能粘人。 Wow, I want to change it. Can I stick to people? 63、我真是活膩了,請直接愛死我。 I'm really tired of living. Please love me directly. 64、往后余生,暴瘦是我,有錢也是我。 For the rest of my life, being thin is me, and being rich is me. 65、滴,匯報一下,今天也很喜歡你呢。 Tell me about it. I like you very much today. 66、處對象嗎,分手割腕的那種。 Do you deal with the object, the kind of breaking up and cutting your wrists? 67、個人簡介,性別女,愛好你。 Personal profile, sex girl, like you. 68、你一笑我就垮掉,心撲通撲通亂跳。 As soon as you laugh, I collapse and my heart beats wildly. 69、叮咚,你有新的愛意請注意查收。 Dingdong, if you have new love, please check it carefully. 70、別問我有多愛你,春夢對象都是你。 Don't ask me how much I love you, you are the object of spring dreams. |
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