1、空氣里彌漫著過年的香甜氣,愈來愈濃,讓人們在這種香甜氣氛下開開心心地過年吧。 The air is filled with the sweet smell of Chinese New Year. It's more and more thick. Let's have a happy Chinese New Year in this sweet atmosphere. 2、新年的鐘聲是催人奮進的號角,朋友,別再沉湎于往事,不要虛度光陰,快帶著理想上路吧,新的一年祝你萬事如意! The new year's bell is a clarion call to push people forward, friends, don't indulge in the past, don't waste time, quickly take the ideal on the road, wish you all the best in the New Year! 3、除夕的晚上,我們一家人吃著年夜飯,看著窗外美麗的煙花,聽著年的聲音,一家人其樂融融。 On the night of new year's Eve, our family ate the new year's Eve dinner, looked at the beautiful fireworks outside the window, listened to the sound of new year, and the family enjoyed themselves. 4、只見刀!認捻子忽忽地冒著小火星,剎那之間,轟然一聲巨響,真像山崩地裂一般,震得山頭都顫顫悠悠。 See knife only! In a flash, the twister made a loud noise, which was like a mountain falling and cracking, shaking the mountain. 5、春節(jié)到,大街上人來人往,有的去拜年,有的去買年貨,有的去拍全家福,有的全家人去旅游,好一派喜慶的樣子。 When the Spring Festival comes, people come and go on the street, some go to pay a new year's Eve, some go to buy new year's products, some go to take family photos, some go to travel with the whole family, which looks very festive. 6、春節(jié)悄悄的來到了人們身邊,帶來了喜氣,福氣還有那合家團聚的機會。整個城市好象是一個待嫁的女孩濃妝艷抹,一派喜慶的樣子。 The Spring Festival quietly came to people's side, bringing happiness, luck and the opportunity of family reunion. The whole city seems to be a girl to be married with heavy makeup and a happy look. 7、零點鐘聲還未響,我來提前拜大年,玉兔作揖迎瑞龍,美好祝福搶在前,真心祝福在龍年:龍精虎猛身體棒!龍騰虎躍事事旺! Zero bell hasn't sounded yet. I come to worship the new year ahead of time. The jade rabbit bows to welcome the auspicious dragon. The best wishes come before the year of the dragon. Sincere wishes come from the year of the Dragon: the best of the dragon and the fierce of the tiger! Everything is prosperous! 8、舊的一年過去了,新的一年又到了,在這個忙碌的新年,大家忙著準備過年要用的工具、飾品、以及大掃除。 The old year has passed, and the new year has arrived. In this busy New Year, we are busy preparing the tools, ornaments and cleaning for the new year. 9、歡聲笑語透著和諧和吉祥。在燈籠里、豐富多彩的廟會里、在聲聲的祝福里,迎來了新的一年。 The laughter is full of harmony and auspiciousness. In the lantern, the colorful temple fair, and the sound of blessing, ushered in a new year. 10、幸福新年來,悠悠鹿鈴聲,快樂新年到,我把禮物送,給你一盞燈,照亮你前程。問你一聲好,我送祝福情。 Happy new year, long deer ring, happy new year, I give you a gift, give you a lamp, light your future. Ask you a good, I send the blessing feeling. 11、大福小福全家福,有福享福處處福。知福來福有祝福,清福鴻福添幸福。接福納福年年福,守福祈福歲歲福! Great fortune, small fortune, good fortune. To know the blessings, to have blessings, to add happiness. Receive blessings every year, keep blessings and pray for blessings every year! 12、春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會開始了,一家人準時地圍在電視機前,目不轉(zhuǎn)睛,精神集中,口里不時地跟著哼著,手里不時地跟著舞動著。 The Spring Festival Gala began. The whole family gathered in front of the TV on time. They kept their eyes fixed and concentrated. They hummed and danced with each other from time to time. 13、新年里是美滿的,充滿祝福的。在新年晚上一家人圍著飯桌旁一起吃年夜飯。人們走親訪友,問候自己的朋友,親戚。 The new year is full of happiness and blessings. On New Year's Eve, the family gathered around the table to have dinner together. People visit relatives and friends and greet their friends and relatives. 14、新年到了,集市上的人又多了很多,大家爭先恐后地買過年用品,生怕自己落后,買不著過年用品。 New year's day has arrived, and there are many more people in the market. Everyone is scrambling to buy new year's products for fear that they will fall behind and can't buy new year's products. 15、我喜歡過年,我想念分別一年親人們,我更喜歡和小伙伴們歡聚嬉戲,讓我們歡聲笑語為新年增添濃濃節(jié)日氣息,過年真好! I like Chinese New Year. I miss my relatives for one year. I prefer to have fun with my friends. Let's have fun and laughter to add a strong holiday atmosphere to the new year. It's a great new year! 16、愿我的祝福為你清除歸途的疲勞,愿我的問候為你掃去歸途的枯燥,愿我的短信為你的歸途送去歡樂,愿你歸途愉快。 May my blessings clear away the fatigue of your return journey, may my greetings clear away the dullness of your return journey, may my messages send joy to your return journey, and may you have a happy return journey. 17、過完年,我們就又長了一歲。我也要面臨小升初的考驗了,也到了童年的盡頭,要長大了。 At the end of the year, we will be another year old. I also have to face the test of the beginning of a small rise, but also to the end of childhood, to grow up. 18、我喜歡過年,我想念分別一年的親人們,我更喜歡和小伙伴們歡聚嬉戲,讓我們的歡聲笑語為新年增添濃濃的節(jié)日氣息,過年真好! I like the new year, I miss the relatives of the year. I prefer to have fun with my friends. Let's add a strong festival atmosphere to our laughter. It's a good new year! 19、平安夜我熬通宵,守著圣誕老人到,什么禮物都不要,就想要張返鄉(xiāng)票,老人無奈搖搖頭,人太多,沒搶到!祝春節(jié)返鄉(xiāng)順利! On Christmas Eve, I stayed up all night and watched Santa Claus arrive. I didn't want any presents, so I wanted a return ticket. The old man couldn't help shaking his head. There were too many people, so I didn't get it! I wish the Spring Festival home smoothly! 20、在我一天天的盼望中,新年終于到了,人們頓時忙碌起來。賣煙花爆竹的小攤子也出來做生意了,大街小巷一片沸騰的景象。 In my daily hope, the new year finally arrived, people immediately busy. Small stalls selling fireworks and firecrackers have come out to do business, and the streets are boiling. 21、過年也是團圓,順勢將親情、友情綰在一起打一個如意結(jié),再拉拉緊。 Chinese New Year is also a reunion. We will tie our family and friendship together to make a happy knot, and then pull together. 22、家人下樓點燃鞭炮,頓時滿城近帶鞭炮聲,震耳欲聾,花炮升騰五彩斑斕,整個城市沉浸在煙花爆竹聲中。 The family went downstairs to light firecrackers. Suddenly, the whole city was filled with firecrackers. It was deafening. The fireworks were rising in colorful colors. The whole city was immersed in the sound of fireworks. 23、仰望藍天,似乎天空更藍了,陽光更炫了。回首往事,那種悲傷已不再纏繞在我的身旁,所有的一切。 Looking up at the blue sky, it seems that the sky is bluer and the sun is more dazzling. Looking back on the past, that sadness is no longer around me, everything. 24、過年的味道從濃到淡,從甜變成澀,我想試著留住從前的那種感覺,但是時間的腳步快得讓我跟不上節(jié)奏。 The taste of Chinese new year changes from thick to light, from sweet to astringent. I want to try to keep the feeling of the past, but the pace of time is too fast for me to keep up with the rhythm. 25、過年的味道是多變的,有著跳跳糖般的快樂,有著棉花糖般的香軟,有著巧克力糖般的苦中帶甜,還有著薄荷糖般的清新。 The taste of Chinese New Year is changeable, with the happiness of jumping sugar, the fragrance of marshmallow, the bitterness and sweetness of chocolate, and the freshness of mint. 26、看到這光彩奪目、千姿百態(tài)的禮花,我覺得自己好似置身在仙境中一般。 Seeing this dazzling and colorful fireworks, I felt like I was in a fairyland. 27、魚躍龍門,賀歲送福:大福小福全家福,有福享福處處福。知福來福有祝福,清福鴻福添幸福。接福納福年年福,守福祈福歲歲福! Fish leaping over the dragon's gate, happy New Year's Eve: big blessing, small blessing, good fortune, everywhere. To know the blessings, to have blessings, to add happiness. Receive blessings every year, keep blessings and pray for blessings every year! 28、過年的味道,也許你覺得淡如水,可是每一個年都有它獨特的味道,因為總有些事會讓你記在心里,甜在心里。 The taste of Chinese new year, maybe you think it's light as water, but every year has its unique taste, because there are always some things that will make you remember in your heart, sweet in your heart. 29、吃過了團圓飯,大人們便擠在一塊兒打牌,而我們這些天真無邪的小傻瓜們,卻得守歲,即通宵達旦地不睡覺。 After the reunion dinner, the adults huddled together to play cards, while we innocent little fools had to keep the age, that is, stay up all night. 30、放鞭炮的孩子們笑著、叫著、跳著、跑著,那歡快的聲音同鞭炮聲交織在一起,久久地在空中回蕩。 The children who set off firecrackers were laughing, shouting, jumping and running. The happy voice was interwoven with the sound of firecrackers and reverberated in the air for a long time. 31、寒暑交送,萬象更新,一瞬間歲月的年齡在不經(jīng)意中又多劃了一個圈圈,在這辭舊迎新的時刻,祝你們鼠年喜氣洋洋,滿面陽光燦爛。 Cold and summer, everything is renewed. In a moment, the age of the years inadvertently drew another circle. At this time of saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new, I wish you a happy and sunny year of the rat. 32、年三十傍晚,鞭炮聲絡(luò)繹不絕在耳邊響起。到處都是歡笑,到處都是新年的氣息,到處都是新年的魅力。 In the evening of the thirtieth year, the sound of firecrackers was heard in an endless stream. There is laughter everywhere, new year's breath everywhere, new year's charm everywhere. 33、每逢佳節(jié)倍思親,游子落葉要歸根,人在旅途無怨悔,只因心牽一個春。祝福在外奮斗的朋友,平安回家,順利團圓,共享天倫之樂。 Every time I think about my family during the festival, the leaves of the wandering children should return to their roots. People have no regrets on their journey, only because their hearts lead a spring. I wish all the friends who are struggling outside to come home safely, get together smoothly and share the happiness of family. 34、煙花爆竹突然在頭上方炸響,待你抬頭去觀賞,又飛躥到你的腳下,惹得你急忙又躲又閃,卻忍不住又喊又笑。 Fireworks and firecrackers suddenly explode above your head. When you look up and watch them, they fly to your feet. They make you hide and flash, but they can't help shouting and laughing. 35、家家戶戶都清掃了房屋和庭院,貼上了春聯(lián)、年畫,連獨身宿舍里也是如此,到處煥然一新。 Every family has cleaned their houses and courtyards, pasted Spring Festival couplets and New Year pictures, even in single dormitories, and made a new look everywhere. 36、大年初一拜個年,風(fēng)調(diào)雨順平安年,吉祥如意健康年,財源廣進發(fā)財年,美夢成真成功年,五谷豐登豐收年,祝君美美滿滿幸福年! New year's Day is a year of worship, good weather and peace, good luck and good health, a year of wealth, a year of success, a year of harvest, wish you a year of happiness! 37、在新年,我立志:不做語言的巨人,要做行動的主人!因為我知道:成功不是靠夢想來實現(xiàn)的,而是靠自己的行動! In the new year, I am determined: not to be a giant of language, to be the master of action! Because I know: success is not achieved by dreams, but by their own actions! 38、春節(jié)是我們炎黃子孫其樂融融的節(jié)日,大家都非常期待這一節(jié)日,春節(jié)一些習(xí)俗既讓我們非常難忘,又充滿歡聲笑語! Spring Festival is a happy festival for our Chinese people. We all look forward to it. Some customs of Spring Festival not only make us unforgettable, but also full of laughter! 39、我期盼這春節(jié),春節(jié)是新開始,是播種希望季節(jié)。新一年,我長大一歲,我有了新希望,我將要播下美麗種子,收獲幸福與愛果實。 I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival. It's a new beginning and a season of sowing hope. The new year, I grew up one year old, I have new hope, I will plant beautiful seeds, harvest happiness and love fruit. 40、帶著期盼,帶著夢想,我們將步入新的一年。我們:不能改變?nèi)菝?,但可以展現(xiàn)笑容;不能控制他。 With hope and dream, we will step into a new year. We: we can't change our looks, but we can show our smiles; we can't control him. 41、過年了,人們都會看新年聯(lián)歡會,當然我也不例外。下面,我就給你們講講關(guān)于我看新年聯(lián)歡會的事吧。 New year, people will watch the New Year party, of course, I am no exception. Next, I'll tell you something about my new year's party. 42、年底到,交通忙,載游子,送歸客;我也忙,送祝福,祝愿您:回家路,平安伴,常返鄉(xiāng),多團圓,快樂幸福到永遠! By the end of the year, the traffic is busy, carrying tourists and returning guests. I'm also busy, sending blessings. I wish you: the way home, safe company, frequent return home, more reunion, happy forever! |
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