1、藍藍的湖水和藍藍的天連在了一起,分不清哪是湖水,哪是天。 The blue lake water and the blue sky are connected. It's hard to tell which is the lake water and which is the day. 2、他只是搖頭,臉上雖然刻著許多皺紋,卻全然不動,仿佛石像一般。 He just shook his head, though his face was engraved with many wrinkles, it was completely motionless, like a stone statue. 3、一朵朵五顏六色的小花藏身在草堆里,如害羞的小姑娘,讓人有種想保護她的欲望。 A colorful flower hiding in the grass, such as a shy girl, makes people want to protect her. 4、從遠處看,一株株桃樹活像一把把張開的大花傘。 From a distance, a peach tree looks like an open umbrella. 5、只有自己種,才有吃不完的菜。只有努力學(xué)習,才能考好期末考。 Only if you plant your own food can you have endless food. Only by studying hard can we get a good final exam. 6、如果光摘松果,不栽松樹,總有一天,一棵松樹也沒有了。 If you just pick pine nuts and don't plant pine trees, one day, there will be no pine tree. 7、他兩只大手托著腦袋,這腦袋這時候看上去好像有幾百斤重似的。 He held his head in two big hands, which seemed to weigh several hundred jin at this time. 8、晨曦初照,而山像含羞的少女,若隱若現(xiàn),日落西山,余光橫照。 At the beginning of the morning, the mountain is like a shy girl, looming, and the sun is setting on the west mountain. The remaining light shines horizontally. 9、在小麥和黑麥地里,在岸邊的蘆葦叢中,發(fā)出微弱而嘈雜的鳴聲。 In the fields of wheat and rye, among the reeds on the bank, there was a faint and noisy sound. 10、她鉆進浩如煙海的書籍里,如魚兒進入了大海,忘記了時間的流逝。 She went into the vast sea of books, such as fish into the sea, forgetting the passage of time. 11、火紅的旭日剛剛透出海平面,給美麗恬靜的大海抹上一層玫瑰色。 The red sun has just revealed the sea level, which gives the beautiful and peaceful sea a layer of rose color. 12、要是下起蒙蒙細雨,日月潭好像披上輕紗,周圍的景物一片朦朧,就像童話中的仙境。 If it drizzles, the Sun Moon Lake seems to be covered with a veil, and the surrounding scenery is hazy, just like fairyland in fairy tales. 13、山腰之上,黃櫨樹叢生,枝葉如云,金秋時節(jié),層林盡染,如火如荼,恰似少女紅裝。 On the hillside, there are a lot of yellow trees, and the branches and leaves are like clouds. In the golden autumn, the forests are dyed in full swing, just like a girl in red. 14、七月,透藍的天空,懸著火球似的太陽,云彩好似被太陽燒化了,也消失得無影無蹤。 In July, the blue sky, hanging like a fireball of the sun, clouds seem to be burned by the sun, but also disappeared. 15、海面上躍出一輪紅日,鮮艷奪目,??疹D時灑滿了金輝,海面由墨藍一變而為湛藍。 A round of red sun leaped out of the sea, which was dazzling. The sky and sea were suddenly covered with golden light. The sea changed from black blue to blue. 16、太陽會發(fā)光,會發(fā)熱,是個大火球。 The sun will shine and heat. It's a big fireball. 17、漸漸地,殘星閉上昏昏欲睡的眼睛,在晨空中退隱消失。 Gradually, the remnant star closed his drowsy eyes and disappeared in the morning sky. 18、春天隨著落花走了,夏天披著一身的綠葉兒在暖風里蹦跳著走來了。 Spring has gone with the falling flowers, and the green leaves in summer have come skipping in the warm wind. 19、紅艷艷的太陽光在山尖上時,霧氣像幕布一樣拉開了,城市漸漸地顯現(xiàn)在金色的陽光里。 When the red sunlight is on the top of the mountain, the fog opens like a curtain, and the city gradually appears in the golden sunshine. 20、如果你走在春天的小道上,腳上說不定會爬上幾只好奇的螞蟻,和你游戲!我愛春天! If you walk on the path of spring, you may climb some curious ants on your feet and play with you! I love spring! 21、幽幽的深谷顯的駭人的清靜和陰冷。 The deep valley is appalling and cold. 22、冬天的太陽像月亮一樣蒼白無力。 The sun in winter is as pale as the moon. 23、老師生病了。老師來給我們上課。 The teacher is ill. The teacher came to give us a lesson. 24、天氣漸漸熱起來了。水漸漸升上來了。 It's getting hotter. The water is rising. 25、春天,那太陽暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人渾身舒坦。 In spring, when the sun is warm, it stretches out its big warm hand, which makes people feel comfortable. 26、我像風箏一樣,不能遠走高飛,痛苦無奈像秋千一般,蕩了出去又回來。 Like a kite, I can't fly far away. I feel miserable and helpless like a swing. I swing out and come back. 27、我的心像刀絞一般,淚水迷糊了我的眼睛。 My heart is like a knife, my eyes are blinded by tears. 28、彩虹輝映著湛藍的晴空,陣陣涼風吹來,美麗的嘉陵江兩岸,風光更加動人。 The rainbow reflects the clear blue sky and the cool wind blows. The beautiful scenery on both sides of Jialing River is more moving. 29、蒲公英這帶絨毛的種子在空中飛飛揚揚地飄著,好像是在向秋天告別。 Dandelion, the fluffy seed, fluttered in the air as if to say goodbye to autumn. 30、她的臉上有一雙帶著稚氣的、被長長的睫毛裝飾起來的美麗的眼睛,就像兩顆水晶葡萄。 Her face has a pair of beautiful eyes with childish and long eyelashes, just like two crystal grapes. 31、天際出現(xiàn)了一抹紫紅色的朝暉,像綻開的紅玫瑰。 There is a purple glow in the sky, like a blooming red rose. 32、我們不惹老師生氣。老師的夢想會實現(xiàn)。 We don't make the teacher angry. The teacher's dream will come true. 33、遠遠望去,泰山峰上的松樹連成一片,濃濃的,看上去就像人的顴骨上橫著的一道劍眉。 Looking from afar, the pine trees on Mount Tai are connected into one piece, thick, which looks like a sword eyebrow on a person's cheekbones. 34、明明整天在家里學(xué)習,非常用功。 Mingming studies at home all day and works very hard. 35、太陽像個老大老大的火球,光線灼人,公路被烈日烤得發(fā)燙,腳踏下去一步一串白煙。 The sun is like a big boss's fireball, the light is burning, the road is scorched by the hot sun, and a string of white smoke step by step. 36、爸爸明明是個足球迷,卻把一場精彩的球賽關(guān)掉,這是為什么呢? Dad is a football fan, but he turns off a wonderful game. Why? 37、一朵朵鮮紅的石榴花掛在樹上,把石榴樹打扮得像含羞的少女。 A bright red pomegranate flower hanging in the tree, pomegranate tree dressed like a shy girl. 38、一個孩子翻著跟頭,像車輪在轉(zhuǎn),真好看! A child turns his back like a wheel. It's so beautiful! 39、起伏的黃土山頭,真像一片大洪水的波濤。 The ups and downs of the Loess Mountain are like waves of a flood. 40、漁火明月交輝,把烏蘇里江映得金波滾滾,像是有千萬條銀蛇在游動。 The fishing fire and the bright moon make the Wusuli River roll like thousands of silver snakes. 41、遠處巍峨的群山,在陽光照映下,披上了金黃色的外衣,顯得格外美麗。 The lofty mountains in the distance, in the sunshine, put on the golden coat, appear particularly beautiful. 42、星空倒映在這洶涌的海面上,便隨波上下跳舞,時現(xiàn)時滅。 When the stars are reflected on the rough sea, they dance up and down with the waves. They are now gone. 43、初夏的陽光從密密層層的枝葉間透射下來,地上印滿銅錢大小的粼粼光斑。 In early summer, the sun shines down from the dense layers of branches and leaves, and the ground is full of glittering spots the size of copper coins. 44、圓圓的臉上,蝌蚪似的兩只黑亮的眼珠一閃一閃的,可愛極了。 On the round face, two black and bright eyes like tadpoles twinkle. They are very cute. 45、他這銀白的頭發(fā),使人聯(lián)想起這披滿白雪的勁松,這是他歷盡風霜,飽嘗艱辛的見證。 His silver hair reminds people of Jinsong, who is covered with snow. It is a witness of his hardships. 46、和煦的陽光,透過稠密的樹葉灑落下來,成了點點金色的光斑。 The warm sunshine, through the dense leaves, has become a little golden spot. 47、我的琴聲很美很美,正好為你清脆的歌聲伴奏。 My piano sound is very beautiful, just for your clear singing accompaniment. 48、太陽泛起火紅的笑臉,使朦朧的校園豁然揭去紗帳。 The sun's fiery smile made the hazy campus open its curtain. 49、好心情才會有好風景,好眼光才會有好發(fā)現(xiàn),好思考才會有好主意。 Good mood will bring good scenery, good vision will bring good discovery and good thinking will bring good ideas. 50、那蜜蜂,好勤快喲,趕集似地飛來飛去。 That bee is so diligent. It flies like a fair. |