1、她那一頭剪短了的頭發(fā)亂蓬蓬的,像個孵蛋的母雞尾巴。 Her cropped hair was messy, like the tail of a hen hatching eggs. 2、從遠(yuǎn)處看,一株株桃樹活像一把把張開的大花傘。 From a distance, a peach tree looks like an open umbrella. 3、洶涌澎湃的金沙江,像一條搖擺飛騰的金龍。 The surging Jinsha River is like a swinging Golden Dragon. 4、極美的星夜,天上沒有一朵浮云,深藍(lán)色的天上,滿綴著鉆石般的繁星。 In the most beautiful starry night, there is no floating cloud in the sky. The dark blue sky is full of stars like diamonds. 5、一想到這兒,眼淚就噼里啪啦地掉了下來。 At the thought of it, tears crackled down. 6、燦爛的陽光穿過樹葉間的空隙,透過早霧,一縷縷地灑滿了校園。 The brilliant sunshine through the gap between the leaves, through the early fog, one by one sprinkled the campus. 7、長安街華燈高照,川流不息的汽車,燈光閃爍,像銀河從天而降。 Chang'an Street is shining with bright lights, and cars are flowing all the time. The lights are flashing, like the Milky way falling from the sky. 8、高大的榕樹,長出無數(shù)氣根,像維**族小姑娘的辮子一樣。 The tall banyan trees have countless roots, like the braids of Uygur girls. 9、瑯瑯的讀書聲從各個教室飛出來,像動人的童聲大合唱,音符滿天。 The sound of reading came out of every classroom, like a moving children's chorus, with notes all over the sky. 10、剛一出屋,臉和鼻子就像用刀割一樣凍得難受。 Just out of the house, his face and nose were as cold as a knife. 11、樹葉紛紛落下,有的像蝴蝶翩翩起舞,有的像黃鶯展翅飛翔。 Leaves fall one after another, some are dancing like butterflies, some are flying like Orioles. 12、我感覺小鳥很不自由,籠子不是它的家,大自然才是小鳥的家。 I feel the bird is not free, the cage is not its home, nature is the bird's home. 13、幾行衰柳,亂發(fā)似的垂掛著,脫光了葉的枝條,在冷風(fēng)里搖蕩。 Several lines of withered willows, hanging like disorderly hair, stripped the branches of the leaves and swayed in the cold wind. 14、他又埋頭寫起作業(yè)來,屋里靜悄悄的,只聽到鋼筆在紙上沙沙寫字的聲音。 He buried himself in his homework again. It was quiet in the room. He could only hear the pen scribbling on the paper. 15、她站了起來,回答得那么準(zhǔn)確,那么自然,那么流暢,似乎早有準(zhǔn)備似的。 She stood up and answered so accurately, naturally, fluently, as if she had been prepared. 16、滿天紅云,滿海金波,紅日像一爐沸騰的鋼水,噴薄而出,金光耀眼。 The sky is full of red clouds, the sea is full of gold waves, and the red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, which is spewing out, and the gold is shining. 17、香山的黃櫨葉紅彤彤的一片,像是從天而降的晚霞。 The yellow leaves of Xiangshan are red, like the sunset from the sky. 18、油蛉在這里低唱,蟋蟋們在這里彈琴。 Sandflies are singing here, crickets are playing here. 19、遠(yuǎn)處巍峨的群山,在陽光照映下,披上了金黃色的外衣,顯得格外美麗。 The lofty mountains in the distance, in the sunshine, put on the golden coat, appear particularly beautiful. 20、山上長滿了柏樹,一棵樹一個綠浪,層層疊疊卷上去,像一個立體的湖泊。 The mountain is covered with cypresses, a tree a green wave, layer upon layer, like a three-dimensional lake. 21、陣陣春風(fēng),吹散云霧,太陽欣然露出笑臉,把溫暖和光輝灑滿湖面。 The spring wind blows away the clouds, and the sun smiles happily, spreading warmth and brightness all over the lake. 22、只有自己種,才有吃不完的菜。只有努力學(xué)習(xí),才能考好期末考。 Only if you plant your own food can you have endless food. Only by studying hard can we get a good final exam. 23、小蜜瓜羞得滿臉通紅,只好硬著頭皮向心蘭老師請教。 The little honeydew melon blushed, so she had to ask the teacher Xinlan for advice. 24、大象又高又大,身子像一堵墻,腿像四根柱子。 The elephant is tall and big, its body is like a wall, and its legs are like four pillars. 25、周圍的大山像一幅五顏六色的花布。山浪峰濤,層層疊疊。 The surrounding mountains are like a colorful cloth. Mountains, waves, peaks and waves are stacked one after another. 26、古榕樹根如蟠龍,皮若裂巖,像個百歲老人,捋著長須。 The roots of ancient banyan trees are like dragons, the skin is like cracked rocks, like a centenarian, stroking his long beard. 27、晚秋了,太陽懶洋洋地掛在天上,像個老公公露著笑臉在打瞌睡。 Late autumn, the sun languidly hung in the sky, like a husband with a smiling face dozing off. 28、院子角上的一棵老槐樹一動也不動,繁亂的枯枝像是向天空撒了一面魚網(wǎng)。 An old locust tree on the corner of the yard was motionless, and its numerous dead branches seemed to cast a fishnet into the sky. 29、地里的麥子,長得肥綠肥綠,風(fēng)刮著,就像一湖綠水。 The wheat in the field grows fat, green, fat and green. The wind blows like a lake of green water. 30、那斑駁的樹影清晰地投在小路上,好似一幅幅濃淡相宜的剪紙畫。 The mottled tree shadow is clearly cast on the path, like a piece of paper-cut painting suitable for the shade. 31、置身?xiàng)鳂淞种校菙?shù)不盡的紅葉就好似棲滿枝頭的紅蝴蝶。 In the maple forest, the countless red leaves are like red butterflies full of branches. 32、秋天又邁著沉穩(wěn)的腳步款款地向我們走來。悄無聲息地走開。 Autumn is coming to us with steady steps. Go away quietly. 33、陽春三月,沉睡了一冬的銀梨樹被蒙蒙細(xì)雨淋醒。 In March, the silver pear tree that had been sleeping for a whole winter was awakened by the drizzle. 34、好一顆流星在夜空里劃出銀亮的線條,就像在探尋著世界里最美好的未來。 A good meteor makes silver lines in the night sky, just like exploring the best future in the world. 35、那條小狗一身金黃色的毛,閃閃發(fā)亮,像剛剛擦過油似的。 The dog's golden hair was shining like it had just been oiled. 36、走到跟前,他的眼珠像生了銹的鎖心,再也轉(zhuǎn)不動了。 When he came to him, his eyes were like rusty locks that could not be turned any more. 37、尖刀似的小山,挑著幾縷乳白色的霧,霧靄里,隱約可見一根細(xì)長的線。 The sharp knife like hill is carrying several wisps of milky fog. In the mist, a long and thin line can be seen. 38、這只天真可愛的卷毛獅子狗,小黑尾巴一擺動起來,像個滾動的小絨球。 This cute poodle with curly fur is like a rolling ball. 39、樹林醒來了,在晨風(fēng)中梳理了頭發(fā),又忙著往臉上擦抹著玫瑰紅的朝霞。 The forest woke up, combed its hair in the morning wind, and busily wiped the rosy morning glow on its face. 40、樹縫里也漏著一兩點(diǎn)路燈光,沒精打彩的,是渴睡人的眼。 There are also one or two lights in the cracks of the tree. The listless one is the eye of the sleepy one. 41、小河清澈見底,如同一條透明的藍(lán)綢子,靜靜地躺在大地的懷抱里。 The clear river, like a transparent blue silk, lies quietly in the arms of the earth. 42、老榆樹的樹身很粗很粗,樹皮裂成了一塊一塊的,像大片的魚鱗。 The old elm's body is very thick, and its bark is split into pieces, like a large scale of fish. 43、一個個紅石榴就像一個個小姑娘可愛的笑臉,躲在樹枝間。 One by one pomegranate is like a little girl's lovely smile, hiding among the branches. 44、她鉆進(jìn)浩如煙海的書籍里,如魚兒進(jìn)入了大海,忘記了時間的流逝。 She went into the vast sea of books, such as fish into the sea, forgetting the passage of time. 45、早晨,太陽像個剛出門的新媳婦,羞答答地露出半個臉來。 In the morning, the sun, like a new daughter-in-law who had just left the house, showed half of her face in shame. 46、春天隨著落花走了,夏天披著一身的綠葉兒在暖風(fēng)里蹦跳著走來了。 Spring has gone with the falling flowers, and the green leaves in summer have come skipping in the warm wind. 47、一個獨(dú)眼的人和完全的瞎子比起來缺點(diǎn)更為嚴(yán)重,因?yàn)樗浪笔裁础?/p> A one eyed man has more faults than a blind man because he knows what he lacks. 48、談起鳥類,我們頭腦中自然會浮現(xiàn)輕靈的鴿子或者五彩斑斕的孔雀。 When it comes to birds, we will naturally see light pigeons or colorful peacocks in our minds. 49、落盡了葉的楊樹、榆樹、槐樹,向灰沉沉的蒼穹伸張著炭條似的枝杈。 The fallen poplar, elm and locust trees stretch out their branches like charcoal to the gray sky. 50、法國梧桐樹上那鼓圓了的芽苞,已伸展開來,像一個個淡紫色的小喇叭。 The round buds on the sycamore tree in France have spread out like lilac trumpets. 51、暴風(fēng)雪越來越猛,刮得羊群像棉花團(tuán)似的滾動著。 The snowstorm grew fiercer and fiercer, and the sheep rolled like cotton balls. 52、那椰子樹葉像長長的羽毛一樣,有風(fēng)時樹影婆娑,沒風(fēng)時也飄逸秀美。 The coconut leaves are like long feathers. When there is a wind, the shadows of the trees are whirling. When there is no wind, they are elegant and beautiful. 53、盛夏,天熱得連蜻蜓都只敢貼著樹蔭處飛,好像怕陽光傷了自己的翅膀。 In midsummer, it's so hot that even dragonflies dare to fly near the shade of trees, as if they are afraid that the sun will hurt their wings. 54、太陽一年操勞到頭,忙到冬天,就筋疲力盡,幾乎放不出熱力來了。 The sun worked hard all year, but in winter, he was so exhausted that he could hardly put out the heat. 55、如果光摘松果,不栽松樹,總有一天,一棵松樹也沒有了。 If you just pick pine nuts and don't plant pine trees, one day, there will be no pine tree. 56、一條彩虹,從綠蔥蔥的田野里升起來,直通到天上,真像一座絢麗的天橋。 A rainbow, rising from the green fields, straight to the sky, is really like a gorgeous overpass. 57、他那紅嘟嘟地臉蛋閃著光亮,像九月里熟透地蘋果一樣。 His red face was shining like a ripe apple in September. 58、孔雀飛起來就如同一朵綺麗的綠色彩云,從山頂上飄過。 The peacock flies like a beautiful green cloud, flying over the top of the mountain. 59、一個人害怕做的事,往往是他應(yīng)該做的事。 What a person is afraid to do is often what he should do. 60、和煦的陽光,透過稠密的樹葉灑落下來,成了點(diǎn)點(diǎn)金色的光斑。 The warm sunshine, through the dense leaves, has become a little golden spot. |