1、心在移動,如何聯(lián)通? Heart in mobile, unicom? 2、你的孤獨,雖敗猶榮。 Your lonely, good try. 3、我還能笑,我就沒事。 I can still laugh, I'll be fine. 4、因何而生!因何而戰(zhàn)! Due to come! Why fight! 5、越是爭吵,越傷感情。 The more quarrel, more hurt feelings. 6、三分長相,七分打扮。 Three points look, dress up seven points. 7、這個世界,沒有偶然。 This world, there is no accident. 8、兩粒種子,一片森林。 Two seed, a forest. 9、猶豫久了,勇氣會消失。 Hesitate for a long time, the courage to disappear. 10、人之因此能,是堅信能。 Therefore, is the conviction that can. 11、我會為我的理想去奮斗。 I'll strive for my ideal. 12、一個今天勝過兩個明天。 One today is worth two tomorrow. 13、做事就是在學做人而已。 Work is learning to be human. 14、我沒有理想,只有野心。 I have no ideal, only ambition. 15、不求而得,往往求而不得。 Don't beg for, not often. 16、青春,就像受贊美的春天。 Youth, like the spring by the praise. 17、迷茫就是才華配不上夢想。 Confusion is talent don't deserve the dream. 18、生活不簡單,盡量簡單過。 Life is not simple, as simple as possible. 19、一樣的人,不一樣的人生。 The same people, different life. 20、蜜蜂在勞作,蜘蛛在經(jīng)營。 Bees in the work, the spider in the business. 21、愛并不復雜,復雜的是人。 Love is not complicated, complex is a person. 22、心象降落傘,打開才有用。 Heart is like a parachute, open is useful. 23、讓未來到來,讓過去過去。 Let the future arrival, let the past pass. 24、生活在繼續(xù),時間再進步。 Life continues, time to progress. 25、前方無絕路,期望在轉角。 No difficulty ahead, hope in the corner. 26、不要迷戀哥,嫂子會揍你。 Don't crush elder brother and sister-in-law will beat you. 27、黯淡月光,結局被誰遺忘。 Dim moonlight, the end who is forgotten. 28、要敲當面鼓,莫敲背后鑼。 To knock drum face to face, the mo gong knock back. 29、你送我情人,我送你人情。 You send me a lover, I send you. 30、愛過多難得,回憶是暖的。 Too much love is rare, is warm memories. 31、我是愛你的,你是自由的。 I love you, you are free. 32、我會好好過,等你再愛我。 I will live, wait you to love me again. 33、你不勇敢,沒人替你堅強。 You don't brave, no one strong for you. 34、經(jīng)常被打擊,從未被打到。 Often hit has never been hit. 35、前方無絕路,希望在轉角。 Ahead without difficulty, hope in the corner. 36、愛就要爭取,忘就要徹底。 Love will fight for, will be completely forgotten. 37、只要還呼吸,我就還愛你。 As long as still breathing, I still love you. 38、對于我在乎的,會用命珍惜。 For what I care about, can YongMing treasure. 39、你說他理想?不他是現(xiàn)在呀! You say his ideal? No, he is now! 40、青澀不及當初聚散不由你我。 Young as accumulation and dispersion is not you and me. 41、要隨波逐浪,不可隨波逐流。 To chummed, do not go with the flow. 42、忍耐力較諸腦力,尤勝一籌。 Tolerance is the mental, YouSheng. 43、你可以低頭,但絕不能放棄。 You can bend, but can never give up. 44、十年作畫,不抵他眼角桃花。 Do not cover the ten years of painting, his eyes peach blossom. 45、終于等到你,還好我沒放棄。 Finally wait until you, I didn't give up. 46、寧可一無所有,也不去爭奪。 Nothing at all, rather than to compete for. 47、先整理好心情,再處理事情。 Tidy up the mood, and then deal with things. 48、你只管努力,上天自有安排。 You just work hard, god has its own arrangements. 49、傷感的末尾、幸福了你和我。 At the end of the sad, happiness for you and me. 50、回避現(xiàn)實,只能將困難推遲。 Evade reality, but only to delay their difficulties. 51、在哪里存在,就在哪里綻放。 Where, where is the blossom. 52、走過這片泥濘,我在那里等你! Through the mud, I there waiting for you! 53、如果失去是苦,你怕不怕付出? If lose is bitter, you afraid of? 54、最可怕的不是鬼怪,而是人心。 The most terrible not ghost, but the heart. 55、白開水最解渴,真心話才動人。 Plain water is the most thirst, only true and moving. 56、自我選取的路,跪著也要走完。 Self choice of road, kneeling also to go out. 57、莫找借口失敗,只找理由成功。 Don't find excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success. 58、敬往事一杯酒,再愛也不回頭。 Respect the past a glass of wine, love also don't look back again. 59、記住一句話:越努力,越幸運。 Remember a word: the harder, more fortunate. 60、不要等待機會,而要創(chuàng)造機會。 Don't wait for opportunity, but to create opportunities. 61、等不到天黑,煙火不會太完美。 Can't wait until it is dark, fireworks not too perfect. 62、思想極度空虛,精神非常無聊。 Thought very empty, spirit is very boring. 63、你有遠大志向,終會到達遠方。 You have a lofty ambition, will eventually reach the distance. 64、冬天的雪,白色了你我的世界。 In the winter snow, white for you are my world. 65、其實,無聊也是生活的一部分。 In fact, boredom is a part of life. 66、看似堅強的人,內(nèi)心越是脆弱。 Seemingly strong person, the heart the more vulnerable. 67、我是一條魚,等著河流來迎接。 I am a fish, waiting for the river to meet. 68、近朱者未必赤、近墨者未必黑。 Nearly zhu is not red, not black. 69、最窮無非討飯,不死總會出頭。 Nothing more than the poorest beggar, the undead things out. 70、只做第一個我,不做第二個誰。 Only do the first, I don't do the second who. 71、事實勝于雄辯,百聞不如一見。 Facts speak louder than words, seeing is believing. 72、只要面對陽光,陰影就在背后。 As long as in the face of the sun, the shadow behind his back. 73、真正愛我的人,絕不會離開我。 Really love me, never leave me. 74、若要人前顯貴,先要人后受罪。 If needs former dignitaries, and needs before they are suffering. 75、把你那SB的話,說給2B聽去吧。 You said that SB, go to 2 b. 76、你來人間一趟,你要看看太陽。 You come to a trip to the world, do you want to take a look at the sun. 77、人一旦有了貪欲,就注定失去。 Once you have greed, it is destined to lose. 78、生前何必久睡,死后必定長眠。 Why should before long sleep, must rest after death. 79、不亦仰望別人,自己亦是風景。 Don't also look up to others, oneself also is the scenery. 80、頭腦是日用品,而不是裝飾品。 Mind is commodities, rather than the decorations. 81、因為愛你。所以不在乎姐弟戀。 Because love you. So don't care about asked. |