1、有的時候、睡覺也是一種享受。 Sometimes, sleep is also a kind of enjoyment. 2、失去的不再回來,回來的不再完美。 Lost no longer come back, come back no longer perfect. 3、最愛你的人是我,你怎么舍得我難過。 The person who loves you most is me. 4、難過,連哭的覺得孤單。 Sad, cry even feel lonely. 5、最平凡的愛最讓人依賴。 The most common love is the most dependent. 6、怕爹是孝順,怕老婆是愛情。 Father is afraid of filial piety, afraid of his wife is love. 7、我會一直在,縱使寂寞開成海。 I will always be, even lonely open into the sea. 8、只要不是對的人再怎么努力也沒用。 As long as it is not the right people no matter how hard it is useless. 9、沒有了你,我真的很孤單。 I'm so lonely without you. 10、因為,放手才是擁有了一切。 Because, let go is to have everything. 11、嘴角上揚的動作,早已經(jīng)不屬于我。 The mouth of the action, already not belong to me. 12、陪著你走完此生,但愿我們安好。 Accompany you through this life, I hope we are safe. 13、從天堂到地獄,我只是路過人間。 From heaven to hell, I'm just passing by. 14、不能永遠的愛,那就別愛。 Not forever love, then love. 15、我叫泓,所以你的欺騙如洪水涌來。 My name is Wang, so you cheat as flood coming. 16、上流社會的人,總喜歡做點下流的事。 The upper class people always like to do something nasty. 17、迷了路索性就不走路。 Lost the road simply do not walk. 18、思想有多遠,你就給我滾多遠! How far is your thought, how far you roll me! 19、丘比特的情箭上,沒有莪的名字。 Cupid love arrows, not my name. 20、當(dāng)我看見的你微笑,一切都不用苦惱。 When I see you smile, nothing to worry about. 21、我的生活,在每個微笑里幸福。 My life, happy in every smile. 22、一巴掌打死我的癡心和妄想。 A slap killed my infatuation and paranoia. 23、所謂的海誓山盟,到頭來不過是欺騙。 But in the end is the so-called exchange solemn vows and pledges, deception. 24、心中有座墳,藏著未亡人。 There is a grave hidden in our heart. 25、你我之間本無緣分,全靠我顏值死撐。 Between you and me, no fate, all depends on the value of my dead support. 26、我也只是喜歡你,但并非非你不可。 I just like you, but not you. 27、我的笑容里,埋著心灰意冷。 I smile, buried downhearted. 28、喜歡你解釋的時候,我會忍不住笑。 I can't help laughing when you explain it. 29、一句對不起,太沉重!我承擔(dān)不起。 Sorry, too heavy! I can't afford to. 30、人一簡單就快樂,一世故就變老。 One simple happiness, a worldly will grow old. 31、流水落花春去也,天上人間。 What's lost is lost, immeasurably vast difference. 32、一個人,一座城,一個人獨守空城。 A person, a city, a person alone in night. 33、能在我心里興風(fēng)作浪你該識趣。 Can you make the wrong in my heart. 34、別感動我,然后頭也不回的離開我。 Don't touch me and leave me without my head. 35、天太冷了,有什么事,來我被窩里說。 The weather is too cold, what to say, in my bed. 36、愛你此生、戀你千年! Love your life, love you a thousand years! 37、我喜歡你,也愿意放棄你! I like you, but also willing to give up you! 38、不要用傻笑來代替你內(nèi)心的悲傷。 Don't use a giggle to replace you sadness. 39、握過你的手,仿佛余溫在指尖纏繞。 Hold your hand, as if the temperature in the finger wound. 40、對于愛情你是不敢還是不能。 Are you afraid of love or not. 41、今生不忘兄弟情,來世不忘父母恩。 This life does not forget the brotherhood, never forget the parents. 42、我總會想你,睡覺的時候也沒停止過。 I always miss you, did not stop sleeping. 43、你讓我明白暗戀原來是這么一回事。 You make me understand that unrequited love is such a thing. 44、親手把一輩子的幸福給了你。 Hand to give you a lifetime of happiness. 45、在我難過時,也沒人能給我依靠。 When I'm sad, no one can rely on me. 46、原來一切都會得過去的。 Everything will be the past. 47、心上有刀疤,就連神仙也無能為力。 Have the scar heart, even the gods are incapable of action. 48、哭,滴落的是眼淚,散裂的是心。 Cry, tears dripping, spallation is the heart. 49、我愛你不是一兩天,而是一萬年。 I love you not one or two days, but ten thousand years. 50、云想衣裳花想容,春風(fēng)拂檻露華濃。 Cloud like clothes look, the spring breeze blows sill Revlon. 51、兩個人不過是道具,結(jié)局早已經(jīng)注定。 Two people are props, the outcome has been doomed. 52、管的太多,只會讓距離越來越遠。 Tube too much, will only let the distance more and more far. 53、愛是恒久忍耐,加以恩賜。 Love is enduring, giving. 54、沒有經(jīng)歷過的人,沒有對于他的意義。 He who has not experienced, has no meaning for him. 55、被自己愛的人抱著睡真幸福。 Happy to be loved by the one you love. 56、我的愛情堅持了很久,卻沒到最后。 My love for a long time, but not to the end. 57、現(xiàn)在我長發(fā)及腰,他卻無法陪我到老。 Now I have long hair and waist, but he can not accompany me to the old. 58、有沒有一種幸福,可以讓我不哭。 There is no happiness, I can not cry. 59、我想和她去領(lǐng)結(jié)婚證! I want to marry her! 60、我在懷念,你不再懷念的。 I miss, you no longer miss. 61、待我長發(fā)及腰,我便給你最美的側(cè)臉。 When my hair achieves waist length, I will give you the most beautiful face. 62、花開一世紀,情漫天之心。 Bloom in first Century, the heart of love. 63、不要太想念過去,它會給你帶來悲傷。 Don't miss the past, it will bring you sadness. 64、相思樹,流年渡,無端又被西風(fēng)誤。 Acacia, Du was fleeting, unprovoked westerly error. 65、他讓你紅了眼眶,你卻還笑著原諒。 He let you red eyes, but you still smile forgive. 66、幸福的背后,有個執(zhí)著愛我的男人。 Behind the happiness, there is a man who loves me. 67、世界上再好的都不要,因為我有你。 No matter how good the world, because I have you. 68、回憶沉淀了過去,換不回一句我想你。 Memories of the past, in the past, I do not want to return to you. 69、我就是喜歡你,喜歡到自己都害怕了。 I just like you, like to be afraid of. 70、不是我不明白,只是我太執(zhí)著。 It's not that I don't understand. 71、我知道,只是珎消遣的附屬品,我懂。 I know, you just entertainment accessories, I understand. 72、只要活著,就一定能遇見好吃的。 As long as alive, we will be able to meet delicious. 73、一個人其實不孤寂想一個人才最孤寂。 A person is not lonely want to be a lonely person. 74、她給的甜蜜是那么的致命。 Her sweet is so deadly. 75、我哭一百次,只是想讓你心疼我一次。 I cried one hundred times, just want you to love me once. 76、花開得太好,所以搖搖欲墜。 Flowers bloom so well, so shaky. 77、不要傷我的心,因為里面住的是你。 Don't break my heart, because it's you. 78、如果沒有你,我拿什么傷害我自己。 Without you, what can I hurt myself. 79、我心里的痛,你永遠都不會懂。 The pain in my heart, you will never understand. 80、愛不愛我夠不夠深。 Love does not love me deep enough. |
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