1、Lets sleep together. 2、I wish you a sweet dream! 3、我?guī)湍汴P上月亮啦! 4、Ill close the moon for you! 5、晚安,愿你睡得香香! 6、Good night. Have a good sleep! 7、寶貝,我們夢里見鴨。 8、夢中相見,好夢成真。 9、Wake up and start a new beauty. 10、親愛的,晚安,夢里見! 11、Baby, we see ducks in our dreams. 12、夜深了,早點休息,晚安! 13、Good night, impartial. Its just you. 14、一覺醒來,開啟新的美好。 15、I wish you a wonderful dream tonight! 16、The bright moon is the way I miss you. 17、親愛的,晚安!今晚做個好夢! 18、Go to bed, or Ill miss you again later. 19、Good night, my love, for the last time. 20、輕輕道聲晚安,祝你夢也甜蜜! 21、輕輕道聲晚安,祝君美夢都圓! 22、Good night, my dear. See you in my dream! 23、Good night, my friend. Have a good night. 24、Good night softly, wish you a happy dream! 25、愿你心情舒暢,甜甜睡到天亮。 26、晚安啦,不偏不倚,剛好是你。 27、晚是世界的晚,安是有你的安。 28、晚風傳唱清曲,勾起綿綿睡意。 29、Meeting in a dream makes a dream come true. 30、Dear, good night! Have a good dream tonight! 31、The trouble is gone, and the dream is coming. 32、“心情舒暢”安神液,煩惱消滅。 33、天不早了,早點歇息,做個好夢。 34、愿你多做好夢,一覺兒睡到天明。 35、晚安,我的朋友,愿你今夜好夢。 36、睡覺吧,你的頭發(fā)不允許你瞎想。 37、睡覺吧,你的頭發(fā)最害怕你瞎想。 38、等睡在你懷里,我就不用熬夜了。 39、讓我們紅塵作伴,睡得白白胖胖。 40、Ive covered the quilt. You can say good night. 41、May you be in a good mood and sleep till dawn. 42、May you have a good dream and sleep till dawn. 43、朋友辛苦了,早點休息,晚安好夢! 44、祝你今夜好人好夢,明天心想事成! 45、Go to bed. Your hair doesnt allow you to think. 46、On this beautiful night, I wish you good night. 47、Take a shower and have a good sleep! good night! 48、Your eyes are too gentle, smile melted my heart. 49、好夢多,失眠少,精力豐滿樂逍遙。 50、好夢陪,甜夢隨,嘴角一彎心還美。 51、希望世界安靜,讓所有情緒都見鬼。 52、思念熬不到天明,所以我選擇睡去。 53、晚上煩惱都跑掉,明天生活會更好。 54、洗漱一番,美美睡一覺;祝好夢!晚安! 55、睡覺吧,不然我待會兒又要想你了。 56、輕輕的煩惱走了,美夢輕輕的來了。 57、送你一杯熱牛奶,暖暖胃來催催眠。 58、那皎潔明月,就是我思念你的神情。 59、Friends hard, early rest, good night, good dream! 60、Its late at night. Have a rest early. Good night! 61、Miss cant endure till dawn, so I choose to sleep. 62、Send my warm greetings, wash away your tired day. 63、好好睡覺,一會兒我讓周公幫我檢查! 64、要正視壓力,輕松面對,請酣然入夢! 65、Every time I think of you, there is one more star. 66、Say good night to yourself and finish todays work. 67、Whats the night? I wish you couldnt sleep at night. 68、你的晚安,是我永遠也聽不膩的情話。 69、愿你惦念的人能和你道晚安,晚上好。 70、晚睡的姑娘,都會被月亮抓去罰站的。 71、睡眠是逍遙丸,美夢作伴,睡也香甜。 72、I wish you good dreams tonight and success tomorrow! 73、點點思念伴你晚安,聲聲祝福望你好夢! 74、祝你今夜“酣然入夢”,“美夢連連”! 75、Go to sleep. Your hair is afraid of your imagination. 76、Put warmth in the bed and warm you when you lie down. 77、Good night, you will we go to the dream, a sweet love. 78、你晚上還來夢里找我,我在老地方等你。 79、在這美麗的夜晚,為你送上祝愿,晚安。 80、愿你珍惜美好的擁有,夢里和開心握手。 81、我已經蓋好被子了,你可以說我晚安了。 82、我每想你一次,星星就多了一顆的樣子。 83、晚安嫦娥姐,晚安織女星,晚安小仙女。 84、疲倦到來該回家了,放下包袱該休息了。 85、跟自己道一聲晚安,結束了今天的工作。 86、送上我溫馨的問候,洗去你一天的疲憊。 87、Happy mood calms the mind liquid, the worry eliminates. 88、Ive been lying down, waiting for you to say good night. 89、Many good dreams, less insomnia, full of energy, happy. 90、Sleep is a carefree pill. With a dream, sleep is sweet. 91、Sleep well. Ill ask Duke Zhou to check it for me later! 92、When I sleep in your arms, I wont have to stay up late. 93、讓一切失落和疲憊消逝在黑夜中,祝好夢! 94、Hope the world is quiet and let all emotions go to hell. 95、愿你酣睡,豬般安然;朋友切記,祝你晚安! 96、I wish you good sleep, good dreams and good luck tonight. 97、Night is the night of the world. ANN is the one with you. 98、The evening breeze sings Qingqu, arousing the sleepiness. 99、去睡覺吧,女神,熬夜會丟失膠原蛋白的。 100、愿你卸去一天的重負,輕輕閉上你的眼睛。 101、我已經乖乖躺下了,就等著你一句晚安了。 102、我想做一朵流云,被風吹成你喜歡的樣子。 103、把“舒心”攪在空氣里,在轉身時撫摸你。 104、晚什么安,我巴不得你想我想得夜不能寐。 105、Its getting late. Have a rest early and have a good dream. 106、Life is always so tired, what we should do is simply live. 107、When fatigue comes, its time to go home. Its time to rest. 108、親愛的晚安,蓋緊被子,做夢我娶你,么么! 109、夏夜,愿我的信息帶給你深深的祝愿,晚安! 110、Send you a cup of hot milk, warm your stomach to hypnotize. 111、Go to bed, goddess. Youll lose collagen if you stay up late. 112、May the people you miss say good night to you. Good evening. 113、喝了你釀的愛情的酒,我愿意沉醉而不愿醒。 114、天天快樂,夜夜晚安,甜甜美美,做個好夢。 115、愿你安睡時山河入夢,愿你醒來時滿目春風。 116、把“溫暖”放在被窩里,在你躺下后溫暖你。 117、晚安,你會我們去夢里,談一個甜甜的戀愛。 118、祝你今夜,睡眠安穩(wěn),好夢相隨,吉祥陪伴。 119、Good night, sister Change, good night Vega, good night fairy. 120、To face up to the pressure, easy to face, please fall asleep! 121、In this quiet night, send my warm wishes, good night, friends. 122、I want to be a floating cloud, blown by the wind like you like. 123、I wish you peace and security every day and night, sweet dream. 124、Summer night, may my message bring you deep wishes, good night! 125、在這幸福的夜晚,一句晚安帶你進入美好夢境。 126、時間告訴我,無理取鬧的年齡過了,該懂事了。 127、進入夢鄉(xiāng)吧,晚安,祝你做個甜甜美美的好夢。 128、Baby, do you want to put down your cell phone and elope with me? 129、Go to sleep, good night, I wish you a sweet and beautiful dream. 130、Little miss with you good night, sound blessing, hope you dream! 131、Stir the comfort in the air and caress you when you turn around. 132、Girls who go to bed late will be caught by the moon and punished. 133、May you take off the burden of the day and close your eyes gently. 134、我是梅菜你是肉,我想扣住你的手。晚安,寶貝。 135、有沒有興趣做一對江洋大盜,晚上一起去搶被子。 136、每晚記得給我一句晚安,讓我知道明天還有你在。 137、生活永遠都這么累,我們該做的就是簡單的活著。 138、祝你晚安,安然入睡,睡夢甜甜美美,甜甜蜜蜜。 139、I wish you a sound sleep, like a pig; friends remember, good night! 140、In this happy night, a good night takes you into a beautiful dream. 141、寶貝,要不要放下手機,跟我一起同睡眠“私奔”? 142、甜心,不早了,盡早休息吧,熬夜對身體可不好哦! 143、問候不因疲憊而變懶,祝福不因休息而變緩,晚安! 144、Happy every day, good night, sweet and beautiful, have a good dream. 145、I close one eye, and when you say good night to me, close the other. 146、You come to my dream at night, and Ill wait for you in my old place. 147、I wish you a dream when you sleep and spring breeze when you wake up. 148、你的眼神太溫柔了,笑起來融化了老夫的鐵骨丹心。 149、想要睡覺好,心態(tài)最重要,心態(tài)好,睡的好,晚安。 150、愿你天天平平安安,夜夜安安然然,美夢香香甜甜。 151、我會珍惜你給的每一個晚安,肩膀雖小卻足夠依靠。 152、我發(fā)現(xiàn)說晚安并不重要,重要的是每天對你說晚安。 153、睡吧,睡吧,明天再告訴我你到底收到了多少祝福。 154、Be as sincere as a child. Like the sunset, warm. Like the sky, serene. 155、晚上好放松,泡個溫水澡;家人溫馨笑,睡個大懶覺。 156、夢中有我陪伴,不會孤單;夢中陪你說笑,不再煩惱。 157、請收好今晚的月光,星光,還有接住夢里的我。晚安! 158、Ive closed one eye. When you say good night to me, Ill close the other. 159、Im Mei Cai and you are meat. I want to hold your hand. Good night, baby. 160、Sleep, sleep, and tell me tomorrow how many blessings you have received. 161、在這寧靜的夜晚,寄上我溫馨的祝福,晚安,朋友們。 162、愿君吹燈早入眠,美夢翩翩驅疲憊,養(yǎng)精蓄銳明日狂。 163、我閉好了一只眼睛,等你對我說晚安,就閉上另一只。 164、老婆早點睡啦,不然明天會變國寶的…我會心痛的哦。 165、霓虹閃閃,送給你溫暖的港灣,愿你一生有我的陪伴。 166、Dream with me, will not be lonely; dream with you laugh, no longer worry. 167、夜深了,放松入睡吧,祝福像是我伴隨你,輕輕的愿你! 168、把今天所有的煩惱都忘掉,聽一首歌好好睡一覺。晚安! 169、晚上要蓋好被子,不要著涼了,睡覺前喝點牛奶知道嗎! 170、Let all loss and exhaustion disappear in the night, wish you a good dream! 171、One is late, the other is an. Did you catch it? Friend, have a good dream! 172、Your good night is a love word that I will never be tired of listening to. 173、Friends, if someone can say good night to you every day, please cherish it! 174、Neon flashing, give you a warm harbor, I wish you a lifetime of my company. 175、收我祝福之人,睡前有好運,睡后有好夢,睡醒有好戲。 176、每晚睡前聽你說晚安,是屬于我的最簡單而持久的幸福。 177、I wish you good night, sleep safely, sleep sweet and beautiful, sweet honey. 178、豬到這個點大多都睡了,所以我的豬豬女孩你要去睡了嗎? 179、Good evening to relax, take a warm bath; family warm smile, sleep a big lazy. 180、Good night, my dear, cover the quilt tightly, dream that I will marry you, Mo! 181、Please put away the moonlight, starlight and catch me in my dream. good night! 182、不管昨天發(fā)生了什么事,都已成為過去,無法改變。晚安。 183、If you run away from your troubles at night, your life will be better tomorrow. 184、朋友,如果有人每天能跟你說一聲“晚安”,請一定要珍惜! 185、People who say good night and go to bed often stay in Desser after half an hour. 186、像孩子一樣,真誠。像夕陽一樣,溫暖。像天空一樣,寧靜。 187、想你,念你,愛著你直到我心跳的最后一次,親愛的,晚安。 188、我已經閉好了一只眼睛,等你和我說晚安,我就閉上另一只。 189、祝你快樂,愿你永遠沐浴在陽光和春風里,伴著我的愛飛翔。 190、Time tells me that its time to be sensible when the age of making trouble is over. 191、一聲晚安,輕輕的問候,柔柔的關懷,最美的祝福陪伴你入眠! 192、At night to cover the quilt, do not catch cold, drink milk before going to bed know! 193、Good dream accompany, sweet dream with, a corner of the mouth, heart also beautiful. 194、Most of the pigs are sleeping at this point, so my pig girl, are you going to sleep? 195、Forget all the troubles of today, listen to a song and have a good sleep. good night! 196、When the night comes, say good night and wish you sweet dimples in your dream forever! 197、Every night remember to give me a good night, let me know you are still there tomorrow. 198、Want to sleep well, mentality is the most important, good mood, sleep well, good night. 199、失去的東西,其實從來未曾真正地屬于你,所以不必惋惜。晚安。 200、Its late at night, relax and go to sleep. Blessing is like Im with you, gently wish you! 201、晚上好,祝你身體健康,快樂無煩惱,幸福如意直到老,美夢香甜! 202、I hope you cherish the beautiful possession, and shake hands with happiness in the dream. 203、一顆是晚,一顆是安、劃落到的手中、你接住了嗎?朋友,做個好夢! 204、夜晚,把美好收藏,綻放夢想;睡眠,為疲憊療傷,心情舒暢。晚安! 205、My wife went to bed early, or tomorrow will become a national treasure Ill have heartache. 206、天生不羈又謙卑,玩世又恭敬,不去迎合別人,隨性卻尊敬所有人。 207、夜晚來臨的時刻,道一聲“晚安”,愿夢中的你永遠露出甜甜的酒窩! 208、Lost things, in fact, never really belong to you, so there is no need to regret. good night. 209、No matter what happened yesterday, it has become the past and cannot be changed. good night. 210、After drinking the wine of love you brew, I would like to be intoxicated rather than wake up. 211、I find its not important to say good night, its important to say good night to you every day. 212、Honey, its late. Take a rest as soon as possible. Staying up late is not good for your health! 213、I wish you happiness, may you always bathe in the sunshine and spring breeze, fly with my love. 214、Good evening, I wish you good health, happiness without worry, happiness until old, sweet dream! 215、幸福為你夢中伴,快樂同你夢中陪,吉祥與你夢里見,甜蜜和你夢中跑。 216、A good night, gentle greetings, soft care, the most beautiful blessing to accompany you to sleep! 217、Born unruly and humble, playful and respectful, not to cater to others, but to respect all people. 218、Do you have any interest in being a pair of big thieves and robbing quilts together in the evening. 219、Happiness in your dream, happiness in your dream, good luck in your dream, sweetness in your dream. 220、愿你睡前的壞情緒,在明日清晨掀開被子,拉開窗簾的那一刻,杳無蹤影。 221、愿你早日領教過這世界深深的惡意,然后開啟愛***誰誰的快意人生。晚安! 222、I will cherish every good night you give me. Though my shoulders are small, they are enough to rely on. 223、Greetings do not become lazy because of fatigue, blessing does not slow down because of rest, good night! 224、May your bad mood before bedtime disappear when you lift the quilt and open the curtain tomorrow morning. 225、May you learn the worlds deep malice as soon as possible, and then start the happy life of love. good night! 226、At night, the beautiful collection, blooming dreams; sleep, for fatigue healing, the mood is comfortable. good night! 227、Listening to you say good night every night before going to bed is the simplest and lasting happiness that belongs to me. 228、Those who receive my blessing have good luck before going to bed, good dreams after sleeping and good play when waking up. 229、May you blow the lamp and go to sleep early, your dream will be elegant, you will drive away your fatigue, and you will be vigorous and vigorous tomorrow. 230、有些事,不談是結,談是開是疤。如果你完成了,就不應該后悔。失去了,不該回憶。放下你該放下的東西,無休無止地退出這出戲。很多事情不需要問它是否值得,只要問,它對你來說是不是像一個寶藏。晚安! 說了晚安去睡的人,往往半小時以后還在得瑟。 |
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