1、世上沒有絕對幸福的人,只有不肯快樂的心。 2、兩個人走在一起是緣分,一直走下去才是幸福。 3、為什么幸福的人這么多,卻偏偏像少了我一個。 4、人生最大的幸福,莫過于連一分鐘都無法休息。 5、人生最幸福的事,就是那個愛你的人一直都在! 6、從母親那里,我得到的是幸福和講故事的快樂。 7、保持安靜、耐心和專注,那么幸福就在你身邊! 8、幾十億男人,只要有一個愛我,那我就幸福了。 9、只貪圖一時而不圖長久富的人,是不會幸福的。 10、回報所有的施予,包括痛苦;感激全部的幸福。 11、因為我們正在追逐幸福,所以不免要觸摸痛苦。 12、在劈開了我的秋天,在劈開了我的骨頭的秋天。 13、失戀并不可怕,因它也許是下一段幸福的開始。 14、如果幸福是一段旅途,我愿陪你看遍所有風景。 15、對媳婦好點,她也是家人,家庭和睦才能幸福。 16、就是因為你不好,才要留在你身邊,給你幸福。 17、幸福不會遺漏任何人,遲早有一天它會找到你。 18、幸福不是對往昔的回憶,幸福是對未來的憧憬。 19、幸福不是要越多越好,恰到好處就能愛意長存。 20、幸福不過就是做一些單純能取悅自己的小事情。 21、幸福從來都是孤獨的,而禍害卻總是結(jié)伴同行! 22、幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于勞動之中。 23、幸福就是一雙鞋合不合適只有自己一個人知道。 24、幸福并不在于多友,而在于慎擇友人及其價值。 25、幸福生活不只在于豐衣足食,也在于碧水藍天。 26、幸福的人大抵相同,不幸福的卻各有各的樣子。 27、幸福的人都是一樣的,不幸的人各有各的不幸。 28、幸福的秘訣是得到自由,而自由的秘訣是勇氣。 29、我一定要給她幸福,如果不能,那我就帶她走。 30、我不一定會很幸福,但我一定會讓自己很快樂。 31、我們懂得幸福的時候,是因為我們懂得了珍惜。 32、我們痛苦來源于愛。但我們的幸福也來源于愛。 33、有取舍的人多么幸福,寡情的守財奴才是不幸。 34、永遠永遠,都要記住我們希望對方比自己幸福。 35、愛上一個人是幸福,同時愛上二個人就是煩惱。 36、愛到不愛了,不想愛了,才是最幸福的時候吧。 37、生活是需要誠信的,有了誠信才會有幸福可言。 38、睡得著,吃得下,笑得出也是人生的一大幸福。 39、知識就是力量,知識就是安全,知識就是幸福。 40、笨人尋找遠處的幸福,聰明人在腳下播種幸福。 41、試著讓生活變得簡單,對幸?;蚣拍樒渥匀弧?/p> 42、那么能一起出現(xiàn)在墓碑上,也是種安穩(wěn)的幸福。 43、降臨在人生的無上幸福,便是確信我們被愛著。 44、一個人成為他自己了,那就是達到了幸福的頂點。 45、上天讓我們習慣各種事物,就是用它來代替幸福。 46、書是無價之寶,書是打開幸福和成功大門的鑰匙。 47、人人都談及幸福,但真正理解幸福的人少而又少。 48、人生至高無上的幸福,莫過于確信自己被人所愛。 49、你想成為幸福的人嗎?但愿你產(chǎn)生學會吃得起苦。 50、做夢的人是幸福的,最苦痛的是夢醒了無路可走。 51、勞動好,生活才會幸福;水草好,牛羊才會肥壯。 52、因為我是幸福的,所以覺得隨時死去也沒有關(guān)系。 53、女人最想要的幸福,很簡單。想要很多很多的愛。 54、女人,不要記性太好?;貞浽蕉嗟呐诵腋T缴佟?/p> 55、如果你不曾出現(xiàn),那我也就不會知道幸福的滋味。 56、如果我們沒有才華,那努力就足以使我們幸福了。 57、幸福只會給予不怕勞動的人,多年忘我勞動的人。 58、幸福是照射在臉上的溫暖陽光,瞬間就成了陰影。 59、幸福源于對生活的滿足,感恩源于對幸福的感知。 60、幸福的家庭是相同的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。 61、我一生中,還從未嘗到一滴沒有攙和毒汁的幸福。 62、我想,什么都不懂的人,很幸福。可惜我已不是。 63、我愿用多一點點的辛苦,來交換多一點點的幸福。 64、有些人適合擁有幸福,而有些人只適合仰望幸福。 65、有取有舍的人多么幸福,寡情的守財奴才是不幸。 66、有愛情的生活是幸福的,為愛情而生活是愚蠢的。 67、活著本身就是一種幸運,年輕本身就是一種幸福。 68、牽住你的手,我們就一起路過無數(shù)個春夏的幸福。 69、甜,是我們生命最初溫柔,最接近于幸福的記憶。 70、真正的幸福包含了一個人能力與天資的完全運用。 71、離開后,別說祝我幸福,你有什么資格祝我幸福。 72、等待著別人給幸福的人,往往過得都不怎么幸福。 73、艱難困苦是幸福的源泉,安逸享受是苦難的開始。 74、要幸福,也要快樂。要大家,少了一個人都不行。 75、那些幸福的男女,皆是靠了“好心態(tài)”的恩賜。 76、Split split in my autumn, in autumn in my bones. 77、Because I am a happy, so think to die at any time. 78、Happiness exists in life, but life exists in labor. 79、Only once and not rich for a long time, is not happy. 80、The dreamer is happy, the pain is waking up the road. 81、We know the happiness, because we learned to cherish. 82、Have a love of life is happy, life for love is foolish. 83、Happiness just do something simple to please his little. 84、The greatest happiness of life, than even rest a minute. 85、To be happy, also want to happiness. To you, little one. 86、Two people together is the fate, always go is happiness. 87、Waiting for others to happy people, often are not happy. 88、A person as his own, it is reached the peak of happiness. 89、Why do people so much happiness, but just like me a less. 90、A trade-off people, how happy meaner miser is unfortunate. 91、Billions of men, as long as there is a love I, I'm happy. 92、Have take of people, how happy meaner miser is unfortunate. 93、I will not necessarily happy, but I will make myself happy. 94、Forever, remember we want each other than his own happiness. 95、Life is need good faith, the good faith will have happiness. 96、Love to the love, don't want to love, is the most happy time. 97、The happiest thing in life, is the person who love you always! 98、Happiness is not to the more the better, just can love forever. 99、Keep quiet, patient, and focus, then happiness will around you! 100、Sleep, eat, smile is also a big happiness in life are obtained. 101、There is no absolute happiness of person, only not happy heart. 102、Who do you want to be happy? I hope you learn to eat up bitter. 103、Our pain comes from love. But our happiness also comes from love. 104、Because we are chasing happiness, unavoidably must touch the pain. 105、I've got to give her happiness, if not, then I can take her away. 106、If you have never appear, I wouldn't know the taste of happiness. 107、From my mother there, I got the happiness and the joy of the story. 108、Happiness has always been lonely, but evil is always walk together! 109、In my life, never had a drop not mixed the happiness of the poison. 110、Returns all giving, including pain; Grateful for all the happiness. 111、The supreme happiness in life, is the conviction that we are loved. 112、If we don't have the talent, the effort is enough to make us happy. 113、Knowledge is power, knowledge is safety, the knowledge is happiness. 114、Labor is good, life can happiness; Good grass, cattle and sheep fat. 115、Living itself is a kind of lucky, young itself is a kind of happiness. 116、The secret of happiness is free, but the secret of freedom is courage. 117、Woman, don't too good memory. The more women less happiness memories. 118、God let we used all sorts of things, is to use it instead of happiness. 119、Happiness not leaking anyone, sooner or later one day it will find you. 120、Women want the most happiness, is very simple. Want to be a lot of love. 121、Sweet, life is our original tender, the most close to the happy memories. 122、Happiness is not the memories of the past, it is the vision of the future. 123、Is because you bad, just want to stay in your side, to give you happiness. 124、True happiness contains completely using a person's ability and aptitude. 125、Try to make life easier for happiness or lonely let nature take its course. 126、A happy family is the same, the unfortunate family each have each different. 127、Then can appear together on the tombstone, happiness is also a kind of safe. 128、To daughter-in-law good point, she is family, harmonious family to be happy. 129、Happiness comes from meet on life, Thanksgiving from the perceived happiness. 130、Hold your hand, and we will pass by countless chun xia's happiness together. 131、If happiness is a journey, I would like to accompany you see all the scenery. 132、Brokenhearted is not terrible, because it may be the beginning of a happiness. 133、Falls in the fullest the happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 134、Happiness is light in the face of the warm sunshine, instantly became a shadow. 135、Happy people are the same, each have each misfortune of the unfortunate people. 136、Hardship is the source of happiness, comfort, enjoy is the beginning of misery. 137、I want to, what all don't understand, very happy. It's a pity that I have not. 138、Happiness will only give people who are not afraid of labor, labor of the people. 139、The happiness of men and women, the gift of all is to rely on the "good". 140、Happiness is a pair of shoes to match different appropriate oneself only a person know. 141、Book is a jewel of great price, is the key that opens the door to happiness and success. 142、Leave, don't say wish I happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness. 143、Stupid people looking for happiness in the distance, the wise underfoot sowing happiness. 144、Everyone is talking about happiness, but really understand the happy people less and less. 145、Is happy life not only have ample food and clothing, also lies in the clear water, blue sky. 146、Some people suits with happiness, while some people are only suitable for hope in happiness. 147、I would like to use a little bit more hard work, in exchange for a little bit more happiness. 148、Fall in love with a person is happy, fall in love with two people at the same time is trouble. 149、Happiness lies not in the more than friends, but in the cautious friends of people and their value. 150、Of the National People's Congress on the same, the happiness does not happiness, each have each way. |
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