一、你稍微記一下,我找你的時候就是爆炸想你,沒找你的時候就是憋著在想你。 Just keep in mind that I miss you when I'm looking for you, and I miss you when I'm not. 二、這個世界亂糟糟的,而你干干凈凈,可以懸在我的心上,作太陽和月亮。 The world is in disorder, but you are clean and can hang in my heart as sun and moon.
三、我想變得有趣,變得特別,變成你眼里的一點星光。 I want to be interesting, to be special, to be a little star in your eyes. 四、著迷于天上星,執(zhí)著于九天月,沉溺于眼中你。 Obsessed with the stars, obsessed with nine days, addicted to the eyes of you.
五、人生苦短,來日方長,不妨,躺在一起看看月亮。 Life is short and the days are long. Lie down and look at the moon. 六、這世界就是個巨大的娃娃機,我站在櫥窗周圍,只想要你。
The world is a giant doll machine,
and I'm standing around the window,
wanting only you.
七、你的過去我來不及參與,你的未來我奉陪到底。 Your past I too late to participate in, your future I will accompany to the end. 八、我是預言家,昨天晚上我查驗了你的身份,你是我喜歡的人。 I'm a prophet. I identified you last night. You're the one I like.
九、愛情是一件得體的事,可是在你身上我沒了分寸。 Love is a decent thing to do, but I've lost my sense of proportion to you. 十、我后來想了想,我不耽誤你,還會有別人耽誤你,那我不甘心,還是我來耽誤你吧。 I think later, I do not hold you up, there will be others to hold you up, that I am not willing to, or I will hold you up.
十一、我對你的愛。就像拖拉機上山一樣,轟轟烈烈。 My love for you. It's like a tractor going up a hill. 十二、我想告訴全世界,你是我最最喜歡的人,給一百顆糖果,講一千個故事,說一萬句好話也不換的寶貝。 I would like to tell the world that you are my favorite person, give a hundred candies, tell a thousand stories, say ten thousand words not for the baby.
十三、人總是會變得,從一開始的喜歡你,到后來的更喜歡你。 People will always become, from the beginning like you, to later like you more. 十四、少說一句,怕成遺憾;多說一句,怕是驚擾。我喜歡你,四個字,剛好。 Say less, afraid into regret; Say a word more, be afraid is disturbed. I like you. Four words. Just right.
十五、想你從來不是閑暇時的消遣,而是生活中的常態(tài)。 Missing you is never a pastime in leisure time, but a normal part of life. 十六、想牽你的手,一起到一個叫永遠的地方,看天長地久的風景,嘗??菔癄€的味道,直到永遠。 Want to hold your hand, together to a place called forever, see the everlasting scenery, taste the taste of dry seas and rotten rocks, until forever.