一、三里清風(fēng)三里路,步步風(fēng)里步步你。 Three miles of wind three miles of road, step by step in the wind you. 二、你可以把余生交給我保管,可以霸占我情話里的每一句喜歡。 You can put the rest of your life to me for safekeeping, can commandle my love in every word like.
三、我喜歡你,從黑夜到黎明,從冷冬到暖春,從一秒到一生,生生不息,輪回不止。 I like you, from night to dawn, from cold winter to warm spring, from one second to life, endless, endless cycle. 四、我好想抱抱你,聞聞你身上的味道,把下巴擱在你的肩上,然后乖乖睡著。 I want to hug you, smell you, put my chin on your shoulder, and fall asleep.
五、醒時捕光,睡時捉夢,遇見你三生有幸。 Wake to catch light, sleep to catch a dream, meet you lucky. 六、如果可以和你在一起,我寧愿讓天空所有的星光全部隕落,因為你的眼睛,是我生命里最亮的光芒! If I could be with you, I would rather let all the stars in the sky all fall down, because your eyes, is the brightest light in my life!
七、念你,知行竊語,日復(fù)一日,愛你,生之歡愉,年復(fù)一年。 I miss you, I whisper, day after day, I love you, happy life, year after year. 八、為你收集日落時的云朵,為你收藏下雨后的晴空,關(guān)于喜歡你這件事,最平淡,也最熱烈。 For you to collect the clouds at sunset, for you to collect the sky after the rain, like you this matter, most insipid, also most fervent.
九、我是個花心的人,我癡迷每天的你和各種各樣的你。 I am a womanizer, I am obsessed with you and all kinds of you every day. 十、多想情竇初開是你,細(xì)水長流是你,柴米油鹽是你,余生白首的也是你。 How much I want to love you, is you, is you, the rest of your life is also you.
十一、你說的每句漫不經(jīng)心的話,全在我心上開成漫山遍野的花。 Every careless word you say is blossoming in my heart. 十二、我存過你的照片,你喜歡的歌我也有去聽,你感興趣的東西我也嘗試感興趣,其實我遠(yuǎn)比表面更喜歡你。 I have saved your photos, listened to your favorite songs, tried to be interested in the things you are interested in, in fact, I like you more than the surface.
十三、有些人,一旦遇見,便一眼萬年;有些心動,一旦開始,便覆水難收。 Some people, once met, a million years; Some heart, once started, then can not be undone. 十四、人生最美好的事,無非就是和喜歡的人在一起,把繁華看遍,把流年看老,而你依然是我手心里的寶。 The most beautiful thing in life is nothing but to be together with the people I like, to see the prosperity all over, to see the fleeting time old, and you are still the treasure in my hand.
十五、我喜歡你,笨拙而熱烈,一無所有卻又傾盡所有。 I like you, clumsy and warm, with nothing but everything. 十六、全天下的溫柔共十分,你占八分,遇見你那晚的涼風(fēng),秋月占一分,你說你喜歡我那刻占一分。 The tenderness of the whole world is altogether very, you account for eight, meet you that night cool breeze, autumn moon account for a minute, you say you like me that moment account for a minute. |
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