1、忽然想你,那樣想你。 Suddenly miss you, miss you. 2、牽著我的手,我是你的眼。 Take my hand, I'm your eye. 3、站在你身后,背叛全世界。 Standing behind you, betraying the world. 4、我絕不肯退讓,誰比誰倔強。 I'm not willing to back down, who is who is stubborn. 5、擁有的你日子,我全都記得。 Have your day, I remember all. 6、放得下過去,才看得清未來。 Put down the past, to see clearly the future. 7、全世界,我只為你獨唱小情歌。 The whole world, my solo little song of love for you. 8、此時此刻,我真想和你在一起。 At this moment, I really want to go with you. 9、我不在乎你窮,我心里只有你。 I don't care you are poor, my heart only you. 10、你給的傷,連微笑都掩飾不了。 You give the injury, even a smile can not hide. 11、想念那么濃郁,思念那么痛苦。 Miss so rich, so painful. 12、思念不重,像一整個秋天的落葉。 Missing is not heavy, like an entire autumn leaves. 13、等待你的關心,等到我關上了心。 Waiting for your concern, wait until I shut the heart. 14、我記性不好。每次生氣總是忘記。 I have a bad memory. Every time angry always forget it. 15、做個單純的人,走一段幸福的路。 Do a simple people, go a happy way. 16、寧愿假裝灑脫,也不愿卑微的苛求。 Pretend to free and easy, rather than humble demanding. 17、回憶像一碗熱湯,想念是那么滾燙。 Memory like a bowl of hot soup, miss so hot. 18、我的世界里只有我,便已足夠熱鬧。 My world only me, I shall be busy enough. 19、我的思念在遠方,誰能代替我收藏。 My missing in the distance, who can take the place of my collection. 20、寂寞的悲傷,寫滿了我對你的思念。 Lonely sad, write full of my missing for you. 21、好了傷疤,忘了疼的事我不會直做。 Good scar, forget about the pain I won't do straight. 22、別碰我愛的人,就算我不在他身邊。 Don't touch the person I love, even if I'm not in his side. 23、幸福是用心體會,不是用身體交會。 Happiness is felt, not with the body. 24、思念,換回了記憶,卻再也等不到你。 Miss, switch back to the memory, but I can no longer wait for you. 25、愛我沒有如果,真的愛我就放手一搏。 I didn't love if, really love I will try. 26、留下悲傷的這滴淚,我忽然想起了你。 Leave this sad tears, I suddenly thought of you. 27、相逢一醉是前緣,風雨散,飄然何處。 Meet a drunk is a leading edge, wind and rain, floating where. 28、你要一直陪我,就像我一直陪你一樣。 You always accompany me, like I always accompany you. 29、我們之間唯一的羈絆,叫做刻骨銘記。 Only between us, is called to.in. 30、我跟其他女生一樣,生氣了也想讓人哄。 I like other girls, angry also want people to coax. 31、你的一句輕描淡寫,就將我傷到骨子里。 You an understatement, will I hurt inside. 32、我只是遺憾,我的溫暖你再也不能感應! I'm just sorry, I can no longer induction the warmth of you! 33、我該拿什么身份聯(lián)系你,我真的很想你。 Should I take what identity to contact you, I really miss you. 34、腦海里總回蕩著,我們走過的那些時光。 Mind always echoed with, we passed the time. 35、是我錯的太離譜,還是現(xiàn)實顛倒了黑白。 Was I wrong too far, or real upside down in black and white. 36、突然發(fā)現(xiàn),我再也沒有離開你的力氣了。 Suddenly found that I never leave your strength. 37、我們曾經(jīng)去過的書店、還有我們的思念。 We have been to the bookstore, and our thoughts. 38、生氣后不想說話,喜歡一個人靜靜呆著。 After angry don't want to talk, like a person stay quietly. 39、踮起腳尖,我們就能離幸福更近一點嗎? Stood on tiptoe, we can a bit closer to happiness? 40、好好的活著,因為我們會死的很久很久。 Well alive, because we will die a long time. 41、任何事物只要不去想,那就不會有思慮。 Anything as long as not to think, that there would be no thought. 42、我知道我心中的那份想念,是我的羈絆。 I know that miss in my heart, is my fetters. 43、我就是你送的巧克力,在你的口中被溶化。 I am you send chocolate, was melted in your mouth. 44、對你的思念還在,對我的愛戀卻已經(jīng)消失。 For your missing is still there, but my love has gone away. 45、吃醋,是因為愛你。生氣,是因為在乎你。 Jealous, because love you. Angry because CARES about you. 46、我以為我已足夠堅強,能承受你所給的痛。 I thought I was strong enough to bear the pain you give. 47、喜歡發(fā)呆的人,心里定有另個純凈的世界。 Like a daze, the in the mind have another pure world. 48、人生如路,須在荒涼中走出繁華的風景來。 Life is like a road, must be out of the bustling in the desolate landscape. 49、想你的時候,會看著你的照片獨自掉眼淚。 When thinking of you, will look at your photo tears alone. 50、曾經(jīng)愛你多少不重要,留著回憶與我偕老。 Once how much love you is not important, keep the memories with my old together. 51、沒人能取代記憶中的你,和那段青春歲月。 No one can replace the memory of you, and that youthful years. 52、你是我患得患失的夢,我是你可有可無的人。 You are my be swayed by considerations of gain and loss of the dream, I am your dispensable. 53、做一些你能為我做的、愛一些你值得愛的人。 Do something you can do for me, love you to love of man. 54、不是因為寂寞才想你,只是因為想你才寂寞。 I miss you not because, just because think you just lonesome. 55、如果把回憶折疊起來,如果把時間倒轉過去。 If the memory is folded, if the time reversal in the past. 56、我們之間就像一場戲,等你演夠了就離開了。 Between us is like a play, you play enough left. 57、我們誰都沒有聯(lián)系誰,可是我卻一直在想你。 None of us who to contact, but I have been think you. 58、用最真實的自己,才能遇見最正確的那個人。 With the most true to yourself, to meet the right person. 59、愛不是彼此凝視,而是一起注視同一個方向。 Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. 60、昨天是歷史,今天是開始,明天誰都不好使。 Yesterday is history, today is the start, who is bad to you tomorrow. 61、每個人的淚,都得自己擦,苦不苦,心知道。 Everyone have to wipe the tears, that is not bitter suffering heart know. 62、無辜的路燈,陪我守候到明天,你卻還是沒到。 Innocent street, accompany me to wait until tomorrow, but you still didn't arrive. 63、反正思念也不會有聲音,在夢里也不怕吵醒你。 Anyway, miss also won't have sound, also is not afraid of wake you in the dream. 64、不能給你太多的感動,但是我能陪你很久很久。 Can't give you too much moved, but I can accompany you for a long, long time. 65、沉默不是我的本意,我只是不想讓自己太難受。 Silence is not my intention, I just don't want to let oneself too uncomfortable. 66、當我最想傾訴的時候,那就是我最想你的時候。 When I want to talk to, and that is when I miss you the most. 67、你是我最不想見到的人,卻是我天天想念的人。 You are my most don't want to see, is I miss people every day. 68、別因為寂寞而錯愛,也別因為錯愛而寂寞一生。 Don't because of loneliness and wrong loves, don't because wrong loves and lonely life. 69、懂我的人不需要解釋,不懂我的人沒必要解釋。 Know what I don't need to explain, don't know what I don't need to explain. 70、人生最痛苦的就是:明知要失去,但還沒發(fā)生。 Life the most painful is: knowing that want to lose, but haven't occurred. 71、夢破碎畫面迷失,只剩那些零碎的回聲說著愛過。 The echo of the lost dream broken images, only those bits and pieces say love. 72、不能預知未來的我,起碼現(xiàn)在很清楚愛的人是你。 I can't predict the future, at least it is now clear that the love person is you. 73、你為了一個美麗的未來,放棄了我們溫暖的現(xiàn)在。 You for a beautiful future, give up our warm now. 74、有些文字,只是為了紀念我們彼此陪伴過的歲月。 Some words, only in memory of the days we companied each other. 75、有些人寧愿永遠失去,有些人寧愿永遠記在心中。 Some people would rather lose forever, some people prefer to remember in heart forever. 76、你曾經(jīng)說要和我到永遠,可是現(xiàn)在卻是我一個人。 You once said that be with me forever, but now is I a person. 77、我的內心世界,像有一支針在扎著,卻無人知曉。 My inner world, like there is a needle in the firm, there is none that knows. 78、為什么對我這么好,讓我連背叛你的權利都沒有。 Why so good to me, let I didn't even have to betray your right. 79、愛是風中的諾言,許下的承諾是永遠,絕不會擱淺。 Love is the wind of the promise, promise is forever and never ran aground. 80、我們不停的翻弄著回憶,卻再也找不回那時的自己。 We turned the memories, but can't find at the back. 81、動不動就生氣的人,我們很難在一起,我選擇放手。 Easily get angry, it is hard to together, I choose to let go. 82、不要生氣,不要失望,不要欣喜若狂,一切都會過去。 Don't be angry, don't despair, don't was ecstatic, everything will be past. 83、等下次再見,我會用積攢了不知道多少天的溫暖擁抱你。 Etc. See you next time, I will use the accumulation of don't know how many days the warm hug you. 84、甜言蜜語,我不會,浪漫調情,我不會,對你,只有一顆心。 Sweet words, I won't, romantic flirting, I won't, to you, only one heart. |