你的名字,是我寫過的最美的情書 Your name is the most beautiful love letter I've ever written.
一分鐘里只想了你一秒,五十九秒在回味 One minute only think of you a second, 5九、 seconds in the aftertaste. 愛你這條路,我走到了萬劫不復(fù) Love you this way, I walked to the end.
接下來的路慢慢走,反正最后我會一無所有 The next road to go slowly, anyway, I will have nothing in the end. 我寧愿和你共度凡人短暫的一生,也不愿一個人看盡這世界的滄海桑田 I'd rather spend a short life with you than see the world alone.
一生都賠給你,夠不夠你記住我 I'll pay you all my life, enough for you to remember me. 別把自己弄的太狼狽,畢竟沒人會替你解圍 Don't mess yourself up, after all, no one will save you.
講故事的人再哭,聽故事的人都在笑 The storyteller wept again, and the storyteller laughed. 重新認識好嗎,從你叫什么名字開始,不帶任何感情 Meet again, start with your name, no feelings. |