1、大多數人想要改造這個世界,但卻罕有人想改造自己。 Most people want to change the world, but few want to change themselves. 2、爭分奪秒巧復習,勤學苦練創(chuàng)佳績。 Skillfully review every minute, diligently study and hard practice to achieve good results. 3、沒有人爬山只為爬到山腰。為何甘于平庸呢。 No one climbs mountains just to climb up the hillside. Why are you willing to be mediocre? 4、不比智力,比努力;不比起步,比進步。 No more than intelligence, no more than effort; no more than starting, no more than progress. 5、只有那些能耐心把簡單事做得完美的人,才能獲得做好困難事的本領。 Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly can acquire the ability to do difficult things well. 6、苦海有涯。而學無涯,志者戰(zhàn)高考,惰者畏高考。 The sea of pain is endless. And learning is endless, ambitious people fight for college entrance examination, lazy people fear college entrance examination. 7、成功是什么就是走過了所有通向失敗的路,只剩下一條路,那就是成功的路。 What success is is is that we have gone through all the paths leading to failure. There is only one way left, that is, the road to success. 8、筆記要便于看,要經???,這是又一本教材。 Notes should be easy to read and often read. This is another textbook. 9、超越自己,向自己挑戰(zhàn),向弱項挑戰(zhàn),向懶惰挑戰(zhàn),向陋習挑戰(zhàn)。 To surpass oneself, to challenge oneself, to challenge weakness, to challenge laziness, to challenge bad habits. 10、每一個成功者都有一個開始。勇于開始,才能找到成功的路。 Every successful person has a beginning. Only by daring to start can we find the way to success. 11、不是境況造就人,而是人造就境況。 It is not circumstances that make people, but man-made circumstances. 12、凡真心嘗試助人者,沒有不幫到自己的。 Whoever really tries to help others does not fail to help himself. 13、不是抓緊每一分鐘學習,而是抓緊學習的每一分鐘。 It's not about learning every minute, it's about learning every minute. 14、若不給自己設限,則人生中就沒有限制你發(fā)揮的藩籬。 If you don't set limits on yourself, there are no barriers in your life that limit your use. 15、摒棄僥幸之念,必取百煉成鋼;厚積分秒之功,始得一鳴驚人。 If you abandon the idea of luck, you will make a hundred steels; if you work hard, you will be amazing. 16、勤奮的含義是今天的熱血,而不是明天的決心,后天的保證。 Diligence means the blood of today, not the determination of tomorrow and the assurance of the day after tomorrow. 17、我自信,我出色:我拼搏,我成功。 I am confident, I am excellent: I work hard, I succeed. 18、最可怕的敵人,就是沒有堅定的信念。 The most terrible enemy is the lack of firm belief. 19、只有經過地獄般的磨練,才能擁有創(chuàng)造天堂的力量。 Only through hell-like training can we have the power to create heaven. 20、有志者自有千計萬計,無志者只感千難萬難。 Tens of thousands of people have their own aspirations, but those who have no aspirations only feel difficult. 21、天行健,君子以自強不息。 As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement. 22、與其羨慕別人,不如加快自己的腳步。 Rather than envy others, we should quicken our pace. 23、付出不一定成功,放棄就一定失敗。 Pay is not necessarily successful, give up is bound to fail. 24、既然輸在起點,不要放棄,那就沖刺中間,贏在終點。 Since you lose at the beginning, don't give up, then sprint in the middle, win at the end. 25、世上沒有絕望的處境,只有對處境絕望的人。 There is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate. 26、如果不想做點事情,就甭想到達這個世界上的任何地方。 If you don't want to do something, you don't want to go anywhere in the world. 27、年輕是本錢,但不努力就不值錢。 Youth is money, but it is worthless not to work hard. 28、再苦再難,也要堅強,只為那些期待的眼神。 No matter how hard it is, be strong, just for those looking forward to it. 29、酸甜苦辣都是營養(yǎng),成功失敗都是經驗。 Sour, sweet, bitter and spicy are nourishment. Success and failure are experience. 30、知識改變命運,勤奮創(chuàng)造未來。 Knowledge changes destiny and creates future diligently. 31、與其臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網。 Rather than envy the fish in Linyuan, it is better to withdraw and netting. 32、人生偉業(yè)的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The great cause of life is not to know, but to be able to do. 33、吃得苦中苦,方為人上人。 If you suffer bitterly, you will be a good man. 34、讓我們將事前的考慮,換為事前的思考和計劃吧。 Let's change our pre-consideration into pre-consideration and planning. 35、自己選擇的路,跪著也要走下去。 The way you choose, you have to go down on your knees. 36、空想會想出很多絕妙的主意,但卻辦不成任何事情。 Fantasy can come up with many wonderful ideas, but it can't do anything. 37、挑戰(zhàn)人生是我無悔的選擇,決勝高考是我不懈的追求。 Challenging my life is my regretless choice, and winning the college entrance examination is my unremitting pursuit. 38、努力誕生希望,拼搏成就夢想。 Efforts to create hope and strive to achieve dreams. 39、生命對某些人來說是美麗的,這些人的一生都為某個目標而奮斗。 Life is beautiful to some people, who struggle for a goal in their life. 40、擰成一股繩,搏盡一份力,狠下一條心,共圓一個夢。 Twist into a rope, strive hard, a heart, a dream. |